Chapter 30

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The two friends quietly entered the room, Eria felt a sense of tension coming between them, which worried her so. As soon as the door was shut, Russell turned his body swiftly and eyed Eira down. "The truth. Now." He stated bluntly, Eira knew another lie would land her in Russell's bad books. Eira took a seat on the edge of her bed, "Just don't .. don't tell the Dark Lord,  or Nerugo" she stated. Russell said nothing and kept staring holes into her, she sighed and began talking. "I really was ambushed at first, that wasn't a total lie. But I talked the soldier out of hurting me. He listened to my story, he felt for us, he wasn't a bad guy!" She explained, Russell shook his head in frustration, "All Helios soldiers are bad! It was probably a ploy!".
Eira stood from her seat in defense, "He told me to go with him, but I didn't, because I couldn't leave you guys behind.. not like Ara. He told me if I ever wanted to, his offer would still stand."
Russell pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, "You're lucky I'm not going to the Dark Lord with this information, Eira. This could land you in execution, or worse, solitary confinement for life!" Eira nodded, "I appreciate it, Russell.. thank you .." she responded, watching Russell recollect himself. "Just remember what the Dark Lord told us. The Helios people would never accept the people like us." Russell reminded the older girl, Eira nodded once more, "Of course I remember, people like us only have each other. Maybe one day that'll be different though, maybe one day you'll feel or think differently about this whole situation, then that soldiers offer won't sound too bad" she exclaimed, Russell sighed loudly as he walked towards the door. "You better keep that kind of talk only confined between me and you. That's how you end up like Ara .... or Nerezza.... We don't need to lose a good support is what I'm saying. Now get some rest, Tomorrow you're finishing your training in magic use." The red haired boy explained before leaving the cold atmosphere of Eiras bedroom. Eira watched her friend leave before laying down in her bed, "Things will change one day .. hopefully.." she mumbled to herself before slowly falling into a peaceful slumber.

~The End~
Main story continuation in "Hidden in Plain Sight" by TomomiOwnsTheWorld

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