Chapter 2

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Ripped forcefully away from their parents, Ara and Eira were lead outside towards the carriage. The Dark Lord had special carriages made just for him, as he didn't like to hide his presence. Eira's eyes finally cleared up enough for her to get a good look of the vehicle. It was large, with two lockable doors that lead inside, it was made of a light grey stone because the Dark Lord felt wood  was easy to break out of, and it was maneuvered by two large black horses on leads. Their parents came rushing out of the house soon after and began yelling at the men, "This is ridiculous! You can't take our children! You don't have the right!" Their mother called, to which one of thr armored men replied "Quiet down, ma'am! Or else we'll have to arrest you!". The girls were pushed into the back of the carriage and the heavy doors locked behind them, there were no windows to let in any sunlight, they couldn't see anything besides darkness. The girls could still hear, however, the muffled pleas of their mother and father to have their children back and the men yelling back at them to 'stop fighting the inevitable'. Ara began yelling, hoping her mother and father would hear her, but the thick layer of stone prevented much of the noise from reaching their ears. Eira sobbed quietly and let her tears trickle down her cold cheeks slowly, meanwhile Ara sobbed viciously and loudly, letting her tears flow like a river. The men hopped in the front and began leading the horses away from the house, Ara and Eria didn't speak a word for the first half of the ride as they were afraid the men would hear them. The girls sat opposite sides of the carriage to maintain balance within the compartment. "Eira .." Ara whispered quietly, "hmm?" Eira hummed in response. "What do you think is going to happen to us?" Ara asked, feeling the tears begin to well in her eyes once again. Eria thought for a moment, "I don't know, Ara. I don't know. I just hope mother and father keep fighting to get us back.." she answered bluntly, Ara let out a quiet groan in response. "Eira ... what if they ... kill us?" she whispered fearfully, Eira's eyes widened, "Ara, don't think like that! They'll have to chip through a hundred walls of my ice before they get a chance to hurt us!" She whispered back harshly.
After what felt like hours, they heard the sound of large, metal gates squeek loudly, "We're here .." Eira whispered, Ara moved quickly and grabbed onto her sister out of fear as best as she could with the handcuffs on, "Eira ... Im scared!" She responded. Eira could feel her sister shaking, "Just stay close, Ara. I know I'm cold, but it would really benefit us if we stick together" Eira suggested. Ara nodded and shuffled closer to her sister and before they knew it, light flooded inside and the doors were opening.

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