Chapter 4

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Ara burst out laughing, "On the contrary, Eira here has Ice powers. Thats probably why its so chilly in here, she's got a bit of a cold shoulder" she joked as she playfully shoved her sister. Eira turned to look at her, unamused, "Ara, shut up or so help me god I will freeze you're whole head" she responded. Eira then turned towards the two boys, "I apologize. My sister here just speaks whatever comes to her mind. My name is Eira, by the way, and this is Ara. Since we might be here a while it seems appropriate to get to know eachother." She spoke calmly. The older boy nodded "I'm Nerezza, and this is Russell. He doesn't talk much" Nerezza responded and gestured down to the younger boy whose hand he held tightly. As they made their small talk, two guards approached the cell and unlocked the door. One entered while the other stood at the door, the guard who entered passed around assigned uniforms. They were very plain; long rectangular grey dresses for the females and grey shirts and pants for the males. Each uniform had their own numbers on them, so that the kids names wouldn't have to be remembered by the guards or anyone else who'd be working with them. Eira's number was 878, Ara's was 879, Nerezza's was 276, and Russell's was 277. After sitting for a long while, another set of guards approached, "Number 879! Stand!" One of them yelled. Everyone turned to look at Ara, quickly she stood and the guard entered and grabbed her by the arm, escorting her out. Eira shot up like a bullet, "What are you doing!? Where are you taking her?!" She shouted, she was met with a hard smack across the face by the guard, "Sit down, 878! You'll get your turn" he stated as he slammed the door shut and the other guard locked it promptly. Eira sat up, unable to rub her sore face due to the handcuffs. "These guys are harsh .. what do you think they're doing to her?" Nerezza asked, Eira shook her head "I dont know ... but I'll snap if anything happens to her" she responded coldly.
After what felt like an hour, the three heard footsteps approach, it was the guards. They were dragging Ara down the hall, she looked hurt and tired, she could barley stand on her own. One of the men unlocked the door and shoved Ara inside, to which she fell to her knees instantly. "Ara! Ara,what happened!?" Eira called as she crawled over towards her sister on the ground. Eira was then grabbed by the same man that shoved her sister and was forcibly yanked up to her feet. "You're about to find out 878, because it's your turn now. Numbers 276 and 277, get ready because your turn will be shortly" the man commented as he grabbed tightly onto Eira's arm and took her down the same hall her sister emerged from.

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