Chapter 26

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Eira turned and examined her surroundings. The room came decorated already with the basic essentials and a design that was supposed to be unique to each individual member of the group. Eira's room came with a single bed in the corner with similar grey sheets and blankets as the one she had previously in the dungeon. She also had a small bathroom attached to her room and a white desk with a chair against the back wall. The floors where made of stone so they were grey as well and there was no window in the room, meaning the only thing lighting the space was a small lamp that rested on the desk. The walls seemed to have a detailed ice layer on them, or what Eira thought was ice. Real ice would melt too easily so the builders used a material that resembled ice to give the room the icy feel. They also used a temperature altering spell which made the bedroom and the area around the bedroom extremely cold. To all others in the area, the air would feel freezing. But to Eira, who's body temperature was naturally low, the air felt very comfortable to her. It was strange how she felt, she hated the building she stood in and the man she was supposed to fight for, yet the energy of that room made her feel somewhat relaxed. Finishing her examination of the bedroom, Eira turned her attention to the closet in the wall across from her bed. She placed her hands gently on the handles and threw the doors open. Inside, Eira found exactly what Nerugo explained she would find, a new uniform. There was a large box on the ground and an outfit hung up inside a protective bag. Eira swiftly brought the
two items out of the closet and placed them down onto her new bed. Unzipping the bag, she found a white long sleeved shirt, white sweater, a black belt, and a pair of blue shorts. The shorts had straps attached to them, Eira didn't know that they strapped onto until she opened the large box. The box contained a pair long boots that went up past her knees. The straps from her shorts would attach to the top of the boots. Eira quickly changed out of her grey dress and into her new uniform, she looked at herself in the mirror that hung on that wall in the bathroom. She clicked on her belt and stared at herself, it was the first time she had seen herself in a while. Her hand raised  up and lightly touched the horrific scars on her neck, it was all she could see when she looked at herself. Feeling dread wash over her, Eira became trapped in her thoughts. After a few moments, her trance was broken by the  loud echo of someone knocking on her door. Carefully, she marched towards the grey door, making sure she didn't trip in her new boots. Sliding the door open, Eira found two armored guards waiting for her on the other side. "Project Ice. The first group meeting will begin soon, your presence is required." One of the guards stated monotonously, Eira nodded and exited her room. Sliding the door behind her to a close, she walked along side the guards to where the first meeting would take place.

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