Chapter 13

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Eira readied her powers and placed her hands gently on Russells hand cuffs. She lifted her head and looked at the boy, however, something seemed off to her. His eyes, they had a spark in them, Russell naturally had a sad and tired look in his eyes so this threw Eira off wildly. "Eira! What are you waiting for?! Someone might come and see us, hurry!" Russell said impatiently and fearful. "Yeah yeah, Just one second Russell. I need to ask you a question, it's a precaution, you know" she said, raising a brow at the childs words. Russell rolled his eyes, "Russell, do you remember the first thing you said to me when you and Nerezza met me and Ara?" Eira asked simply, Russell scoffed "Of course I do! Why does all this matter?". Eira glared at him, gripping onto his handcuffs tightly, "What was it?" She asked sharply. Russell scrunched his eye brows together, "It was "Hello", Duh!" He answered hastily. Eira smiled, "mmmm yeah .... Wrong Answer" she said in a fake happy tone, only to have her voice drop dead flat when she uttered the words Wrong Answer. In that moment she froze not only his handcuffs, but also both his arms up to his shoulders, Russells eyes went wide "Eira?! What the hell! Gods sake, you think just because I can't remember one single conversation perfectly makes me a bad person! Oh god its so cold!!" He exclaimed loudly, he was panicked and frightened at this point. Eira glared at the kid in front of her, "You almost fooled me, you know that? But you messed up on one crucial fact. Russell never spoke to anyone when he came here, except for his brother. He wouldn't have ever said "Hello" to me on that first day upon meeting." She explained, pushing the fake Russell away from her, "You're just lucky I don't put you in a block of ice!".
The sound of slow clapping hit Eira's ears as she quickly turned and saw a fimiliar figure come down the hall and stop right at her cell door, it was Nerugo. "Well well well, 878. I thought for sure you'd go along with our 'Russells' plan, but I guess you're not as dumb as you look" he spoke smugly, brushing some dust off of his suit. "What the hell did you do to the real Russell, and who is this?!" She asked harshly, pointing towards the Russell Imposter behind her. "Relax, Russell is out completing an important mission. This here, is Wealy, one of our Shapeshifters. Unfortunately, because you froze him, he's unable to shift into his normal form without causing himself immense pain." Nerugo explained, having two guards enter the cell and escort the frightened shape shifter away. "Now as for you. It seems that our sessions worked for a bit, but you cracked pretty easily. I think we need to get a bit more harsh with you to ensure your complete blind obedience in the future" Nerugo explained with a wickedly evil smile. Eira's eyes widened, "No! No! Please! It won't happen again! Please!" Eira shouted loudly, quickly moving away from the cell door, feelings of dread and terror began to wash over her in the moment. Three observers entered the cell and Nerugo watched happily as Eira struggled against their restraints and sedatives.

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