8. Revealing

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A bit earlier than planned, so enjoy! :) Thanks to everyone who has read, voted, and commented. Love reading comments.

*Song on the side: I was just listening to it :).


“So Danny what is going on between you and Caleb?” Juliana asks.

“What do you mean?”

“There’s something different about your interaction with him.”

“There is nothing different.”

“There is. The comments and sometimes the behavior you both display hints at there being new feelings between you both.”

“No, we’re just closer. We’ve known each other since we were five.”

“Okay…you know if there was something between you both it would be great. I think we all see it.”

What happened during Halloween night comes to his mind. He hadn’t thought much of it. He had avoided thinking about it. 

It’s Juliana’s fault. He thinks. Does he want to? Do I want to?


“What is going on between you and my brother?” Xander asks.

“We have to figure it out on our own.”

“So there is something shifting in the relationship then.”

“I think everyone can see it. Isn’t that what everyone has been wondering?”


“Danny told me that his parents tease him about us being in a relationship.”

“Yes, they do. I think they hope it will happen.”

“You never know. It might.”

“We would all be happy for the both of you.”

“I know.”

“So while you both figure everything out, let’s go join them; they seemed to have come up with another game.”

“Yes, so about you, is there anyone you like?”


“So you don’t like Carlos?”

“No, why the insinuation?”

“I was just asking and like what you just told me. It would be fine if something were to develop between you and him. I don’t think anyone would oppose it. Besides we all know he gets along with you the most out of everyone of us.”


“If something changes, we will tell you all. You, do you like anyone?” Danny asks.

“Nope. Remember I want to see everyone in a relationship and I think I’m getting my wish!”

“I don’t see anyone in one.”

“Keep telling yourself that. Besides, I think Ivan and Blaine are close to getting in one. Don’t you see them, especially now.” She says gesturing to where everyone else is.

Ivan and Blaine are on the same team. Blaine is laughing at something Ivan has probably said. Gone is the resistance Blaine had shown towards Ivan and Ivan is taking advantage of it. He has taken care to cater to Blaine and Blaine has easily been integrated back into their group of friends. 

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