15. Chocolate

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Enjoy! :)


Candles are illuminating the treehouse and flowers are spread around. There’s a comforter spread out on the floor where a picnic basket has been placed.

“What do you think?” Caleb asks.

“I love it!” Danny says turning around and giving him a gentle kiss. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” Caleb responds; he takes Danny’s hand and leads him to take a seat in front of the picnic basket.

“So what are we having?” Danny asks.

“You’ll see in a minute. We have a salad, mini pizzas, and mini quesadillas. Also some fruit. Everything mini.”

Danny smiles, “My favorite kind of menu.”

They eat and converse. 

“The food was delicious. Thank you Caleb.”

“You’re welcome. Hmm, the mini pizzas almost burned.”

Danny smiles, “Well, I’m glad they didn’t totally.”

“Me too. Do I get a kiss for not letting the food burn?”

“You want one?” Danny asks smiling.

“I always want a kiss from you.”

“Is that so.” Danny says as he leans over to give him a kiss.

Caleb pulls Danny closer deepening the kiss. 

Breaking away, Caleb says, “I have dessert!”

“What is it?” Danny asks.

“Chocolate cake pops.”

“You’ve given me too much chocolate.” Danny states.

“I know.” Caleb states.

“If I eat some now, it’s going to keep me awake.”

“I know.”

“Are you trying to keep me awake?” Danny asks.


Danny smiles.

“Just remember we have a curfew.”

“I know but that doesn’t mean we can’t stay awake.”

Danny shakes his head.

“So are they all chocolate ones?” Danny asks.

“Yes, taste it.” Caleb asks feeding it to Danny.

“Mhmm, very delicious.” Danny says going to lick his lower lip, but Caleb leans forward to lick it.

“Mmm, yes, very delicious.” Caleb says making Danny blush. “And have I told you the rosy color looks great on you.”

“No, it doesn’t.” Danny says. “And stop stealing the chocolate.”

“There are plenty of more pops.”

“Here, you eat one.” Danny says feeding it Caleb.

“Very delicious too.”

“Good.” Danny says.

“It’s nice spending time away from everyone.” Danny states.

“It is. We’re always around someone else at least.”

“Yes…Have you seen anything different in Xander?”

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