9. Closer

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Here's the next part. Enjoy! :) 


“Bye, I’m going!” Danny shouts as he leaves the living room where his parents are.

“Be safe and don’t come back too late, remember.” Seth responds.

“Out with the boyfriend?” Nate asks.

“Dad, he’s not my boyfriend.”

“Sure, he’s not.”

“Ugh, bye. Love you all.”


“So where are we going?” Danny asks getting in the car.

“You’ll see.”

“Why not tell me?”


“At this hour?”

“Of course and it’s not that late. It’ll be fun. It’s the place I’ve wanted to come, but we just haven’t.”

“The cliff.” 



“We’ll be there soon.”

“So did this come to mind after I asked you if we were hanging out together?”

“Yes. I just had to prepare some things. That’s why I told you to rest for an hour.”

“Always the planner then.” Danny smiles.

“Of course.” Caleb responds returning the smile. “We’re here. Let’s go.” Caleb says heading toward the car’s trunk and taking out his backpack.

“What is in there?”

“You will see.”

“Why can’t you just tell me?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

“But I want to know!”

“Aww, whining won’t get you anywhere.”

“I’m not.”

“But you are.”

“You’re mean.”


After a while of walking, they see the cliff. It hasn’t been a difficult walk, it has just been a long one.

Caleb brings up the Karaoke night, the song they sang.

“You know I’m Yours does fit our relationship, Danny.”

“Hmm.” I have followed him and tried to make him happy all of these years. Danny thinks.

“Are you ready?” Caleb asks.

Caleb turns to look at Danny and sees shadows the diminishing sun is casting on Danny. It makes Danny look more handsome. He leans in and kisses Danny on the side of his mouth halting Danny’s talking. Caleb doesn’t remove his lips and it only takes Danny a moment to react. He turns his face towards Caleb. Caleb takes the opportunity to press his lips to Danny’s. Danny hesitates just a second before he presses back. Caleb takes it as a positive gesture and kisses him with more force placing his hand on Danny’s neck to bring him closer. Danny’s hands are on the ground holding his sitting position. The need for air makes Caleb break the kiss. He doesn’t move away from Danny. He is trying to catch his breath as he looks into Danny’s eyes. He wants to make sure Danny is really okay with it and he didn’t just respond because he was in the moment, but that he means it as he does.

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