The Mysterious Stranger

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The league had now reconvened in the meeting room of the Watchtower to discuss what had just happened "Who the hell was that?" asked Hal "He came out of nowhere, Did you see how fast he flew his speed was better than mine and Diana's" said Shazam "Did you see the strength he had to lift the plane on his shoulders, The only other person I know of who had that kind of strength was Superman" said Diana "Yeah but it can't be Supes because he is dead Diana so we need to find out who this person is and what he wants" said Barry.

Batman pulled up a picture of the man when he had his hood down due to the incident now being broadcasted all over the internet, The news networks had given this person the name of black trench coat guy "Black trench coat guy, That is really the best name they could have come up with" said Green Arrow "I think he is hot especially with his outfit, It just radiates sexiness" said Zatanna "I agree Zee" said Black Canary who was currently drooling over this man "Will you two take this seriously, We don't who this man is & whether he is an ally or an enemy" said Batman "I ran facial recognition and came up with no matches whatsoever" said Cyborg.

All of them looked at the picture of the man.

Diana immediately noticed something familiar about him "Those eyes where have I seen them before" she thought to herself "All of you keep an eye out for this guy, Next time he appears we take him down and question him" said Batman "That might just anger him Bruce, We don't want to make an enemy of this guy" said Hal "Don't be a fool Jordan, How do we know that he isn't a bad guy pretending to be a good guy, We already have enough on our plate with enemies making their way to Earth, Last thing we need is some idiot playing hero who has powers that we do not know about" said Batman he then headed for the door "I'm going back to Gotham, If you find out anything about this stranger, Inform me immediately" he then headed for the teleporter & teleported out.

Diana approached Victor "Cyborg can you print me a picture of this man, There is something I need to go check out" the Cyborg printed out the picture & handed it to her she looked at the eyes of the stranger again "Could it really be him" she thought to herself.

The Amazon headed out of the room "Where are you going?" asked Zatanna "To see a friend" replied Diana she set the teleporter for Kansas, She needed to speak to Martha Kent, It may be a small chance but she was going to take it none the less "Please Aphrodite I pray to you that this man turns out to be who I think it is" said Diana.


All was silent in Altantis as guards patrolled the hallways, King Arthur & Queen Mera were currently in a meeting with their military commanders and advisors on what steps to take to defend Atlantis & Earth from the coming invasion, Their meeting was then interrupted by a guard who had burst in with an expression of fear on his face "My apologies for my intrusion my king & queen but you two need get to the vault now and see this" "What is it?" asked Mera "That large dark blue box that has sat in our vault for centuries has just lit up & activated and is now making a pinging sound" Arthur at that moment knew now who this enemy was and that this enemy wasn't far away from Earth and would soon descend on the planet with his armada "Oh shit it's starting, He is on his way here after 30,000 years" said Arthur he ran out the doors followed by Mera & his commanders with the group now heading for the vault.


Throne Room

Hippolyta had just finished a meeting with Phillipus about a new training regime for the amazons and both of them were now discussing about Diana it had been 100 years since she had last seen her daughter she missed her precious sun and stars so much, Diana had won the right to escort Steve Trevor back to Man's world, She had taken on Themyscira best fighters and became their champion even though her Mother had forbidden her from entering the tournament in the first place but Diana had snuck herself in and due to winning she had been bestowed the WW armour & the lasso of truth and had been sent out to help Steve in the battle of world war one.

Hippolyta had expected Diana to end the conflict and come back to live on Themyscira what she did not expect was to find out that Diana had fallen in love with Steve Trevor and that she believed the amazons should reunite with man's world, Her fellow amazons believed that her mind had been corrupted by her experiences in man's world and that by falling in love with Steve Trevor she had chosen him over them.

The senate then voted that Diana was to be exiled because she had betrayed the Amazon code by falling in love with a man and Hippolyta could not go against the vote, The Queen had to accept it.

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door "Come in" said Hippolyta.

The doors opened as Artemis entered carrying a gold motherbox in her hands and placed it on the floor "My apologies for any inconvenience I am causing my Queen but this box was found in our vault and for some reason it has all of a sudden activated and is emitting some sort of high frequency ringing noise" Hippolyta eyes turned to fear as she then approached the now activated motherbox "Oh no he has found us and is coming back to kill us for this box" "Who is my Queen?" asked Artemis "Steppenwolf he is from the cosmos he serves a tyrant called Darkseid whose main objective is conquering worlds, The last time he came to this planet was 30,000 years ago, We Amazons formed an alliance with Atlanteans & Humans and fought him off, Due to the combined efforts of all 3 races he & his master were forced to retreat back to their planet but left 3 of these boxes behind, Each race took a box and we decided to lock them away so they could never be used by anyone but since it reactivated by itself" the realization hit her "PREPARE FOR BATTLE, A WAR IS COMING TO THEMYSCIRA!".

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