Justice League and Suicide Squad vs Apokalips (Part 3)

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He then thought about his parents Jor, Lara, Jonathan and Martha, A few tears ran down his face from thinking about his biological parents and his adoptive father Jonathan "I miss you three so much".

Opening his eyes gently, The kryptonian looked down at Earth "Time to end this" stretching his arms out in front of him he flew down at great speed to his Wonder Woman.

Diana waited for him to return not realizing he was floating behind her "Diana" said Superman she turned around and in doing so Kal's lips touched hers as she then parted her own and kissed him back with equal passion, The feeling of kissing Kal always felt so wonderful she never wanted it to end, Her arms went around his neck while his hands cupped her cheeks as he then added more passion & intensity to their kiss.

After a while they were forced to part from each other so they could catch their breaths "I know it wasn't the best time to do that in the middle of a war for Earth but I have been wanting to kiss you from the moment you stopped Darkseid attacking me" said Superman, Diana smiled in response and placed her right hand on his left cheek "Hey my love no need to apologize, I really enjoyed that kiss, Now you ready to kick the crap out of Darkseid" she replied "Hell yeah I am and you my beautiful Amazon are going to help me because we are a power couple" said Superman "The ultimate power couple" said Diana.

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