Aquaman vs Queen Mera

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Mera swam towards him and summoned the water around her arms, Shaping them into spears she fired repeatedly at her King, Aquaman was able to dodge a few of them but some landed into his body, He gritted his teeth in pain & fought back by using his quinident to fire bursts of electric towards the furies instead, Lashina quickly got in front of Bloody Mary and used her electric whips to defend against the electric burst of Aquaman.

Now it was up to Lashina & Mad Harriett to defend Bloody Mary because if she got wounded or even killed the mind control of Mera would be broken "Parademons, Sphere formation, Your job is to defend us from the Atlanteans" Lashina commanded.

A very large group of the creatures took up a formation in the form of a sphere around the 3 furies "Do your thing Mary, You're safe for now" said Harriett "Gladly but just make sure that for each Parademon that falls another must take it's place, The sphere must be kept intact" Mary replied her attention went back to the fight between the King & Queen.

Arthur clipped his quindent onto the back of his belt & swam towards his wife he wrapped his arms around her in order to try to restrain her "Mera listen to me your mind is being controlled by one of Darkseid's soldiers, You're stronger than them my love, Don't let them use you like this, I know you can break this mind control" Mera headbutted him in the nose which broke it on impact and capitalized on the opportunity by repeatedly punching her husband in the face, Queen Mera made two water knives and stabbed him in the right side of his torso & the deltoid area of his left arm which made him yell out in pain.

Mera finished off her attack by kicking him in the chest which was caught by the King he threw her leg aside & tackled her to the ground while Tula and Kahldur who had now dealt with Gilotina saw that their Queen was now under the control of the Furies and had already begun to attack the sphere.

Aquaman held Mera down by her arms and pinned his whole body weight down on her he was willing to take the hits from her but he didn't want to hit her back because this was his other half, His wife "MERA LISTEN TO ME PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU MY LOVE DO NOT FORCE ME TO HURT YOU BECAUSE THAT IS THE LAST THING I WOULD EVER WANT TO DO, BUT IF YOU CAN'T BREAK THIS CONTROL ON YOUR OWN THEN I WILL HAVE NO OPTION BUT TO FIGHT BACK!" "There is only one way this ends King of Atlantis either you die or she dies, If you don't fight back I will not hesitate in destroying her mind" said Mary.

Aquaman knew that the words being spoken by Mera were coming from the fury "NO I refuse to hurt her, Kill me if you want but spare her, I am begging you to release your control over my wife" said Arthur "YOU WILL FIGHT HER OR I WILL DESTROY HER MIND ATLANTEAN KING!" said Mera "Do one better than that, Use her to kill the King and then release her mind so that when she gets her bearings the horror of what she has done will haunt her mentally forever" said Lashina who was now trying to keep Kahldur from getting through the sphere.

The portal was still open as more & more Parademons came through, A large group of them headed for the King and began to attack him, Aquaman let go of Mera and turned his attention to the monsters and began to punch his way through them, Mera stood to her feet with her husband now finishing off the last of the Parademon group, They looked at each other, Queen Mera lifted her fists up "Mera I know you can hear me in there but forgive me for what I am going to have to do to save your life, I'm afraid you leave me with no other choice" said Aquaman who then lifted his fists up as well.

King and Queen swam towards each other as Aquaman threw a left & right punch with Mera ducking twice and blocked another right punch from her King with her left arm she followed up by roundhouse kicking him across the jaw and blasted a ball of water into his chest which sent him backwards, His Queen's attack hurt him but he had to fight back she swam towards him armed with a water spear, King Arthur grabbed Queen Mera by her right arm and used a judo throw to hurl her over his right shoulder and down onto the seabed, Once that happened he took the opportunity to rain down multiple punches onto her stomach which made her scream from the pain and brought her arms down to protect her torso.

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