The Reveal

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Observatory Deck

Kal walked past her & faced the sofa while she was now staring at the back of his jacket, Kal took off his necklaces first, Placing them down onto the footstool he then took off his jacket & placed it down onto the sofa, His hands gripped the front collar of his t-shirt as he proceeded to take it off.

Wonder Woman eyes in that moment became wide in shock while her facial expression was of awe & excitement at Kal taking off his shirt, Her eyes looked over every inch of his back "He is truly magnificent" she thought to herself.

Kal turned around to face her "By the gods" said Diana her jaw dropped in utter shock at the muscles on his arms & torso area "You're beautiful" said Diana, The physiques on the statues of Greek heroes and the actual male gods of Olympus were nothing compared to Kal-El, In Diana eyes her Kal was perfection "What a man and the fact that he is mine" she thought to herself.

Kal smirked at Diana's reaction "Liking what you see my love" "Most definitely, You are gorgeous" Diana replied who now couldn't stop smiling he walked towards her and grabbed her hands, Placing them on his abs her breath caught in her throat at the feel of his muscles "Kal can I" she asked "Go ahead" he replied.

Wonder Woman at that instance proceeded to feel every inch of his godly physique as her fingers and palms explored his entire torso "I had all the torso hair waxed off" said Kal. Diana giggled at hearing that & proceeded to feel up his entire left arm and saw his Thanagarian battle mace tattoo which she decided to ask about later, The amazon stood behind him with her hands now traversing his back & feeling every inch of it "Gods he is incredible, Absolutely incredible" she thought to herself.

Her arms wrapped themselves around his waist, Placing her hands on the top of his chest she let them travel downwards ever so slowly until she had reached the bottom of his abs "Holy shit" Kal thought to himself as his eyes watched Diana's hands travel downwards.

The amazon's arms unwrapped themselves from his waist with her hands now in the process of feeling up his entire right arm, Her eyes saw his black sword tattoo which again she decided to enquire about later, Wonder Woman slowly walked around his right side in order to stand in front of him with her palms now resting on his abs she looked up into his eyes, Kal breathed slowly and looked down into her eyes & noticed immediately that they were ones of lust & desire "Me taking my shirt off really lit her fire" he thought to himself.

Superman could see that Diana was craving for him, Her right hand cupped his left cheek & slowly brought his face down towards hers, Kal lips claimed hers as he kissed his love with a far more blazing passion than he normally would, His hands went down to her thighs & lifted her off the ground, Diana kissed him back with the same intensity, Her legs wrapping themselves around the back of his waist while at the same time her arms had now wrapped themselves around the back of his neck & head, Pulling him towards herself she felt his hands squeezing her thighs as she suddenly stopped kissing him and shook her head "What is it" he asked.

Diana took a hold of his hands & placed them onto her ass "Here is where your hands are supposed to be" Kal palms rested on her ass as his fingers felt her derrière he then gripped her ass which made her let out a loud moan of sexual satisfaction.

The couple lips claimed one another's as they kissed with raw flaming devotion, Kal hovered slowly into the air while still holding her he flew towards the right side wall, Not realising that he was going slightly quicker than he intended to, Diana's back slammed into the wall which dented it "My bad" said Kal "Don't care, Just shut up & kiss me" she replied.

Kal grinned at her words & kissed her hard.

Meeting room

The league, Arthur curry Jr & J'onn sat at the table waiting for Superman & Wonder Woman to arrive, J'onn had just finished figuring out a plan on how they were going to carry out their mission of rescuing Krypto and was now just waiting for Kal & Diana to finish their conversation with each other "They are taking a while" said Zatanna "It must be a really important conversation that they needed to have" said Arthur.

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