Superman vs Parademon Brute

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Superman Memorial

Superman floated to the Parademon Brute that was now standing on one of the many bridges that connected to the memorial "Kryptonian I am going to enjoy killing you" said the Brute "Why don't you put the gun away and let's settle this with our fighting skills" Superman replied "If you want to do bloody, we can do bloody?" the Brute asked "Let's do this" said Superman.

The Brute put the gun on it's back but kept it's claw gauntlets unsheathed as the two walked towards each other.

Superman stood sideways with his left leg back and his right leg inching forward slowly, His right arm stretched out while his left palm was now facing his right bicep, The Brute stood sideways and then formed the same martial arts pose in the opposite way as Superman, Even though he was bigger and was currently looking down at the Kryptonian, His right arm crossed with the back of his opponents arm while his right leg stretched forward so that his right foot aligned itself with Superman's right foot and last of all his left leg was stretched out behind him.

The two aliens stared each other down both with the same thought, This fight was going to be brutal, The Parademon launched a few punches with Superman countering them, The creature pushed him slightly backwards and smirked while Superman breathed carefully as the two went back into their original stances and crossed arms again.

The Brute went on the attack by launching a right punch, a right elbow, left punch and then a left kick all of which were countered by Superman, The two of them took a few steps away from each other and went into different stances, Superman tried pulling the left arm of the Brute it retaliated by throwing a right punch that was heading for the Kryptonian's torso which Superman floated back to avoid.

Parademon lifted his hands to taunt Superman "Come on Kryptonian, Show me what you can do" Superman looked at him and then down to the Brute's legs, Kal lifted his hands up while the Brute waited for his opponents next attack. Superman spun around and attempted a roundhouse kick to his opponents leg, The Brute lifted it's left leg quickly which made Kal miss in doing so the Brute replied with a left kick of it's own.

Kal-El leaned back immediately to avoid the left kick from the Parademon who quickly brought his left leg down and lifted his right leg up to kick Superman twice but the Kryptonian blocked the double right kick with his left arm, The Brute breathed fire at him which Superman leaned back to avoid, In doing so it made him lose his balance and fall onto his back which allowed the creature to take the opportunity to strike by lifting it's left leg and tried to stamp on the Kryptonian but Superman quickly flew backwards and floated upwards into a standing position with his feet now touching the ground.

The Parademon attempted a right kick to Superman's torso which was pushed aside by Kal who went on the defence as the Parademon threw multiple punches which were countered by the son of El who retaliated by attempting to land a right elbow into the chest of the Brute which was deflected away,

This gave the Brute the opportunity to land his left claw into the right side of Superman's torso, He then pulled it out and pushed Superman away from him.

Kal's left hand went to his newly acquired wound "That hurt", The two aliens engaged in combat again, Blocking each other's punches, The moment for Kal to strike came when the Parademon left his torso unguarded as Superman then spun around on the spot and landed a left kick into the right side of the Brute's torso which made it yell out in pain.

Clark took the opportunity & floated upwards, Utilizing his super speed he landed a vicious right kick into the sternum of the Brute who was now sent crashing away from the son of Jor & Lara-El.

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