Lois and Martha

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This is what I need you to do, First lower the ship down to the windows I can then check if she is working today or not but knowing Lois she is a workaholic and most likely is there, Heck even on her days off she is working" said Clark "Got it Clark" said Adam he then proceeded to lower the ship and since it was still in stealth mode the ship was still invisible, Clark stood at the cockpit with J'onn, Alanna and Adam "Which one is Lois?" asked J'onn "The red head there" Clark replied, They could see Lois working at her desk he then noticed someone come up to her, This guy was new because he wasn't working at the planet when Clark was there, The man was 6 feet tall, 36 years old, black skinned, green eyes, well built and was dressed in a grey suit.

The group of four watched as Lois and this man conversed with one another, What happened next was a bit of a shocker, The man planted his lips on Lois as she then responded happily "Looks like you were right Alanna she has moved on and I'm happy that Lois has found someone else and is not mourning me any longer" said Clark, They then saw Perry approach the couple and hit the man upside the head with a rolled up Daily Planet newspaper and started to reprimand him & Lois with the both of them now laughing at the telling off that they were being given.

Clark began to use his super hearing and could hear their conversation & heard the name of the man "Richard White that is who he is, This must be Perry's nephew, Perry did mention that he is a reporter as well, J'onn how good is your telepathy?" Clark asked "What do you need me to do Kal?" said J'onn "Send a message to Lois mentally telling her to come to the roof of the building" said Clark.

J'onn proceed to do just that with Lois now getting up from her chair as Clark heard her tell Perry & Richard that she was getting some air and could see that she was heading for the roof.

Adam pulled on the steering wheel which began to lift the ship up.

Daily Planet Rooftop

Lois stood on the roof and looked around for whoever had called her up here, Just moments earlier she was talking to Richard and Perry when a voice spoke to her inside her head and told her to come up here, Lois felt a presence behind her and turned around with her eyes now locked onto the man in the black trench coat who now had his hood up "It's you that guy from earlier who save that plane, The one everyone is calling black trench coat guy" said Lois "That is really the best name they could have come up with for me" said Clark "Who are you?" asked Lois.

Clark pulled his hood down "Someone you used to love, Hello Lois" she stepped back in shock as tears came to her eyes "Smallville but that's impossible I saw you die" said Lois "That is what I thought as well but I never really died, I was in a coma instead which put my body into a state of regeneration" Clark replied "We had 2 funerals for you, One for Superman and the other for Clark Kent, We mourned you and turns out you were alive the whole time, What happened after you woke up?" she asked.

Clark approached Lois and hugged her as she then hugged him back "It is nice to see you too Lois, How are you?" Clark asked "I was fine until now, Damn Smallville you're just full of surprises" "Well I never expected that I would come back to life but I do owe you an explanation" said Clark.

Clark told her about how he climbed out of the grave in the early hours of the morning after and immediately flew up to the sun to heal himself, That he needed to get away from Earth and see how it would cope without Superman, He went onto explain about his journey in space and the various planets he visited.

Lois laughed when he explained to her what Maxima was like with him "So let me get this straight, This Queen Maxima tried to seduce you and in response to that you left her planet as quick as possible to get away from her" "Trust me when I say she is a very strange woman and frankly I hope I never run into her again" said Clark.

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