Sharing Stories (part 2)

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Observation Deck

14th November 2016

9:55 am

Diana looked at Kal in slight shock and then smiled at the image of Steve Trevor coming to her mind "Steve he was...He was incredible, Funny, Heroic, Baffling at times, Brave and very dedicated to his beliefs and objectives" Kal smiled in response and then spoke "Sounds like a hell of a guy" "Oh he was my love, After (Me, My Mother, Antiope and my sisters) had interrogated him about what he had been doing before he ended up on the island, We had him taken to the healing baths so he could wash himself of the sweat and filth of his mission and the beach battle with the Germans, I then accidently walked in on him at the same time as he was getting out of the bath" said Diana.

Clark tried to stifle his laughter at what Diana had seen "You walked in on him when he was naked didn't you?" he asked "Yeah" Diana replied who now had an expression of embarrassment and was now giggling.

Kal burst out laughing "Oh my lord the poor bugger must have felt so awkward & embarrassed at that moment" "Correct my love, I then asked him if he was a typical example of a man and he replied saying he was above average, I then asked him what that was he thought I was talking about his dick but realised I was on about his watch" she replied, "Oh so you saw every bit of him" said Kal who was now struggling to get his laughter under control.

Diana rolled her eyes & facepalmed "Yes now have you finished laughing my love?" she asked.

The Kryptonian put his hands up and slowly calmed himself down "Okay I'm done now but you do make me laugh my love" she then smiled at what he had said "Steve told me how a watch tells time and how it was his father's & was passed down to him which he then passed to me before he died, I still have the watch to this very day" Kal eyes went slightly wide in shock "You still have it even after all this time?" he asked "Yes I couldn't part with it due to it being a reminder of him and the moments that I had with him" Diana replied "Tell me more about him?" Kal asked "He asked me whether he would be allowed to leave, I told him that I tried to convince them to let you go but it wasn't up to me and that if my mother did let him go he would have to take an Amazon with him in order to defeat Ares but that would only happen after the tournament was done to determine which amazon would go with him, He asked me whether I was participating in this competition and I told him no my mother has forbidden me from competing".

Superman's expression turned to one of confusion "How were you able to disguise yourself in such a way that it allowed you to infiltrate the tournament in order to take on your sisters and Aunt?" he asked "I will get to that in a minute, As I was saying Steve told me he understands why my mother forbade me, The way the war was going he wouldn't let someone he cared about take part in the fighting, I asked him why would you want to go back to it and he replied saying it is not about wanting to go but having to go back in order to try and put an end to it and that (His father once told him that if you see something wrong happening in the world, You can either do nothing or do something and well he tried doing nothing) and that his friends, fellow soldiers and his superiors will be worrying right now about why he hadn't made contact with them yet".

The amazon at that moment stopped talking and reminisced about that night before the day of the tournament she then carried on talking "To answer your question the way I got myself into the tournament was thanks to Alexa she came to my bedroom that night and told me that the only two people who could definitely take on Ares would be me or Antiope and that Alexa herself was competing in the tournament as well but she wouldn't actually be there, What she did was she gave me her spare set of armour that was identical to the one she would be wearing on the day and told me to dress in this the next day and hide myself near the coliseum she would create a fake reason for needing to step away for a moment and then come and find me so we could quickly do the switch around".

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