Justice League and Suicide Squad vs Apokalips (Part 1)

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The Justice League watched as black trenchcoat guy heat vision clashed with Darkseid's omega beams, The two powers struggling to get the advantage over the other, In the middle of the clash a massive ball of fire grew and grew until it exploded sending the two individuals crashing away from each other "WHO DARES CHALLENGE THE ALMIGHTY DARKSEID!" shouted Darkseid "ME I DARE CHALLENGE YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!" the trenchcoat then threw his coat down onto the bridge.

The Justice League gasped in shock & awe at who it was except for (Batman, Wonder Woman, J'onn, Aquaman & Mera) who already knew who the black trench coat was "NO FUCKING WAY!" said Zatanna "IMPOSSIBLE!" said Green Arrow "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME!" said Cyborg "HOLY SHIT!" said Black Canary "SUPERMAN, IT'S THE SUPERMAN, HE IS ALIVE AND READY TO KICK SOME ASS!" said Shazam "Well I'll be damned, Look who is still alive and kicking" said Selina who then smirked "JUSTICE LEAGUE TAKE...THEM...DOWN!" shouted Superman.


Streets of Gotham

The GCPD, Suicide Squad, Nightwing and Robin battled the Parademons as they finished off the last of the ones that were attacking Gotham, The Suicide Squad had two new additions to their team in the forms of Louise Lincoln a.k.a Killer Frost and King Shark, Deadshot lined up a shot to take out a Parademon when Nightwing quickly took down the Parademon instead "Oh seriously, Now that is just being an asshole" said Deadshot "Fastest marksman on the planet, Yet was too slow to take out that one" said Nightwing "I swear to god man, I am this close to shooting your ass" Deadshot replied.

The two of them stared each other down & eventually started to laugh together "Oh man I forgot how funny you can be at times Lawton" said Nightwing "Yeah well at least you still have a sense of humour unlike this new robin he is just a moody asshole like Batman" Deadshot replied.

Nightwing laughed even harder "Like Father, Like Son" he thought to himself "HOLY SHIT, LOOK!" said Rick Flagg he pointed towards a huge tv screen that was built into one of the city's skyscrapers. The (GCPD, Nightwing, Robin & Suicide Squad) at that moment saw what Flagg was seeing "IT'S SUPERMAN!" said Jim Gordon "Well what do you know, Looks like he isn't dead after all" said Nightwing "Yeah but look what the JL have to deal with" said Lawton who pointed to the army of Parademons "Flagg give me your earpiece now, I need to talk to Waller" said Deadshot "Why do you need to talk to her?" asked Flagg "Just give me it dumbass" Deadshot replied.

Flagg handed it over to him "Waller listen, I have a request that I would like you to hear me out on?" Deadshot asked "What is it Lawton?" Waller replied "The League won't be able to take all of those creatures on by themselves, I request that you allow the Suicide Squad to assist the JL, It is the only way that Earth stands a chance of winning this alien invasion, The Squad need to stand alongside the Justice League on this one occasion, Now what do you say?" Floyd asked "Request denied, I can't risk the squad being seen in public" said Waller.

Floyd looked around and saw the people of Gotham watching them from the windows "A bit late for that everyone could see us fighting alongside the GCPD from their windows and with all due respect but won't it look bad on you and A.R.G.U.S that there was a possibility of the JL winning this war with the help of the Suicide Squad but you decided against it and in doing so let the planet get taken over by this boulder faced Dickhead that is talking to Superman...So Lady I would seriously rethink your decision" said Deadshot.

There was a long silence on the earpiece "Fine you win Floyd, Well played, Now take the Squad and help the Justice League win" said Waller "Yes Ma'am" he handed the earpiece back to Flagg "Come on you dumb prick, We gotta help the good guys save the world, Squad move out" said Deadshot.

Nightwing and Robin looked at each other "Why aren't we going with them?" Robin asked "We need to stay in Gotham just in case more of those creatures decide to attack the city Damian" said Nightwing.

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