Victory of Planet Earth

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Kent Farm

14th November 2016

5:00 am

Inside the Kent house celebrations were now afoot as the 4 of them cheered that Earth had won against Apokolips "WE WON, WE WON!" said Adam "EARTH 2 APOKOLIPS 0!" said Lana.

Planet Terminus

The man lifted his arms and yelled in excitement at what he had just witnessed for the 2nd time in his life Earth had beaten Apokolips again "TAKE THAT YOU APOKOLIPTIAN SON OF A BITCH, YOU LOSE AGAIN DARKSEID!".


Poseidon, Amphitrite wife of Poseidon, Eros, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite and Hephaestus rejoiced that Darkseid had lost as they celebrated except for Zeus & Heracles, The two of them carried on looking down at the pool and watched as the Justice League & Suicide Squad celebrated, Zeus at that moment realized something "He must have been watching this battle as well" he thought to himself.

Hermes clicked his fingers making a parchment paper appeared along with a feather & ink on the table, He then wrote a message onto the paper and snapped his fingers again which sent it to Themyscira.


Healing Isle

A few candles were lit up on a bedside table next to the bed of Hippolyta who was now left alone in the healing isle, Epione had gone to bed and now the Queen of the Amazons was just staring up at the ceiling with her thoughts keeping her awake "Who was that man, He clearly was not an enemy because he helped Diana against Darkseid more so what is his relationship to her and the power he wields from what I saw he is clearly more powerful than Zeus himself, The only other person I know of who wields power of that magnitude is Rao" it was at that moment she sat up in horror as a disturbing realization hit her "No she wouldn't, Diana would not be that stupid to get involved in that sort of way with someone like that, Not after what I did".

Hermes scroll dropped into her lap she then unrolled it "Dear Hippolyta war is over, Darkseid loses again from Hermes messenger of Olympus" she then smiled "Praise the gods that this world is safe again from that evil tyrant".


Kahldur'ahm walked down the hallway to his bedroom with the intention of having a shower and then going to bed when at that moment Neol's voice came through on his earpiece "Hello Neol, Yes I can hear you loud & clear, How's the war going...Wait it's finished, Earth won again" he then jumped into the air and let out a scream of excitement at hearing those words "But there was a price to pay for the victory Kahldur, The Trench are all dead, They gave their lives defending Earth, What I need you to do is tell Tula to bring our army and ships to the Gotham-Metropolis Bridge so they can take the corpses of the trenches for burial & tell them to bring something that they can use to clean up the remains of what was the dead kings sceptre" said Neol "It will be done" Kahldur replied.

Gotham-Metropolis Bridge

14th November 2016

5:15 AM

The Suicide Squad who were now grouped together stared down Flash, Green Arrow & Batman "Never thought we would team up with criminals but you all did good work today" said Batman he then stretched out his hand to Deadshot, The greatest marksman in the world looked at the hand and then looked Batman in the eye and shook his hand "We made a hell of a team you & I, Maybe one day we'll team up again" said Deadshot "Maybe" Batman replied "All of you are criminals and should be rotting in prison" said Oliver.

All of them looked at him including Batman & Flash who were stunned at what he just said "Dude you have to give them respect, They stepped up and helped us win you don't need to be a dick" said Flash "I wasn't finished speaking as I was saying but on this day you were heroes each & every one of you" said Oliver "Don't call us heroes that sounds even worse" said Killer Frost "We are more like government operatives, We do the dirty missions that the Justice League won't do" said Captain Boomerang.

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