The Arrival of Darkseid

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The Parademons handed the Atlantean Motherbox to Desaad while a group of them dropped the unconscious furies on another side of the room "The final Motherbox" said Darkseid, Desaad closed the current boomtube that was over Metropolis & placed the newly acquired box to the right of the central Motherbox that was created by Darkseid as it then completed the connection.

The three boxes began to individually spin, The Motherbox trio rose into the air & spun in a circle, Merging together to form a new Motherbox, This new box was bigger than it's smaller counterparts, The left side of it was gold to signify the Amazons Motherbox, The right side was dark blue to represent the Atlanteans Motherbox and last of all the middle of it was black to represent Apokolips.

Darkseid symbol was on all 4 sides of the box which now lit up in dark red.

Desaad transferred the box's powers to Darkseid black & red belt with that done he took the belt to his Master & kneeled before him as he presented it to him "Connection and merging completed, This motherbox is now available to use Lord Darkseid" the god stood up from his throne and clipped the belt around his waist "AFTER 30,000 YEARS I RETURN AND THIS TIME I WILL BE THE VICTOR!" he shouted.

The Apokoliptian god walked down the steps slowly as Desaad and the Parademons bowed their heads "HAIL MASTER DARKSEID!" Desaad shouted "HAIL DARKSEID, HAIL DARKSEID, HAIL DARKSEID, HAIL DARKSEID" they chanted, The moment the dark lord's feet touched the floor, Ten huge heavily armoured 7 foot 5, Red eyed, Black Parademon brutes lined up in front of him.

These Parademons were different to normal ones.

The Lord of Apokolips had personally created these lot to be his elite guards, Their purpose was one thing, To protect their Master from all enemies, Each one was armed with a gun, A pair of claw gauntlets (The length of the blades went past their own hands), They also wielded abilities in the form of superhuman strength and were capable of flying at much faster speeds than normal Parademons and last of all they could breath fire.

This particular group were not the kind that could be taken down easily, Darkseid had tested them to see how they would fare against Steppenwolf & the Furies in battle and the result was what Darkseid expected it to be, All 10 of them came out the winners.

Darkseid clicked his omega symbol on his belt with the huge boomtube now open "Victory is mine, This planet belongs to me" his elite guards walked through first followed by him and then behind him were 100,000 normal Parademons who followed their Master through the boomtube.


The small boomtube closed over Metropolis as the remaining members of the League looked on in confusion, The only official & unofficial members that were missing were Aquaman, Mera, J'onn & Superman "Is it over?" Flash asked "No Flash, What we just experienced I think was the calm before the storm" Diana replied.

At that moment a huge boomtube opened behind Green lantern, Shazam, Cyborg, Batman and Wonder Woman, The 5 of them turned around while the other team members looked on from the bridge.

Diana's face was one of bravery but inside she was feeling fear her mother had told her stories of what this evil tyrant was capable of and the power that he wields "Oh no he got his Motherboxes back and now after 30,000 years he has returned" said Diana.

The Parademon elite guards came through the portal first & immediatley lined up and aimed their guns at the League, The Lord of Apokolips made his descent through the portal followed by his Parademon army "I AM ENTROPY, I AM DEATH, I AM...DARKSEID!".

Green Lantern smiled with a cocky confidence "Guys & Gals stand back and peep the light show, Green Lanterns got this" he flew towards Darkseid and made a construct of a spiked fist "NOOOOOO YOU IDIOT!" Zatanna shouted "Don't attack him, I will deal with this fool myself" said Darkseid, Lantern hit him in the face with the spiked fist as it shattered on impact, Darkseid retaliated with a thunderous right punch which sent the Green Lantern crashing down into the water with his body now sinking to the bottom of the river.

Flash couldn't help but burst out laughing at Jordan's stupidity "HAL!" Zatanna screamed in despair "What do we do now?" asked Green Arrow "NOW YOU DIE!" shouted Darkseid he blasted his omega beams at them when out of nowhere a blast of heat vision collided with it.

Kryptonian heat vision clashed with Apokoliptian omega beams as the two powers struggled to get the advantage over the other, In the middle of the clash a massive ball of fire grew and grew until it exploded sending the two individuals crashing away from each other, The explosion was so loud it could be heard from both cities "WHO DARES CHALLENGE THE ALMIGHTY DARKSEID!" shouted Darkseid "ME I DARE CHALLENGE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" the trenchcoat threw his coat down onto the bridge.

Darkseid saw who it was "YOU IMPOSSIBLE, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" Darkseid shouted "DO I LOOK DEAD TO YOU, ANSWER ME DO I LOOK DEAD TO YOU!" Superman shouted "I WILL KILL YOU KRYPTONIAN!" "BRING IT YOU SON OF A BITCH, JUSTICE LEAGUE TAKE...THEM ...DOWN!" Superman flew towards Darkseid who now did the same while the Justice League went to war with the Parademons.

The war for Earth had officially begun and only one side could walk away the winners.

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