Jealous Days

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This is bit long 😅 pg-13

Raven Pov
I knock on Starfire's door "Hey Kori can I talk to you? It's important" She says yes and I walk in her room, she's texting Dick but takes a pause to talk to me "What is it sister"? She has always considered us sisters so sometimes she'll call me little sister and I call her big sis. "Has Damian hurt you? If so I will personally see it through that he is Slaughtered by a 'Glorfphmonjg'. I giggle at her but then answer " Has Dick ever gotten overprotective of you or jealous sometimes?" She tilts her head "Why do you ask that" well its kinda a long story.
Me and Damian were walking around the city running errands for the Titans. The list was pretty long so we decided to split up and meet up at the cafe when we finish our sides of the list. Long story short I meet this guy named Chad at the grocery store and he seemed harmless, also it didn't hurt to have an extra set of hands. He carries my bags for me I didn't ask him to he just did, we walk to the cafe together he tells me a funny story about his pet dog i gave him a little chuckle and saw Damian glaring at him.
Damian Pov
WHO THE HECK IS THAT???!!!!! AND WHY IS HE WALKING WITH MY GIRL?????? WHY DID HE HAVE TO CARRY HER BAGS????? I march over to them she looks at me with those big eyes but I pay them no mind I just snatch the bags and walk away telling whatever his name is to stay away from us "Damian wai-" I drop the bags grab her and walk back to the tower but then the most unbelievable thing happened.
End of Flashback
Raven Pov
"Oh Kori it was horrible all Chad did was hold my hand I don't get why Damian had to hit him". Kori sighed and hugged me "Raven, Damian was just protecting what was his, human males usually start doing this around Damians age, he probley thought he was losing you or you can't take care of yourself. "But I can take care of myself" I say "I have powers and my father is a conquer of worlds men should fear me not the other way around" . "I understand Raven me and Nightwing had the same problem but that all changed when we first faught deathstroke together just tell Damian that there is no need to worry."
I walk to the training room and see a sweaty shirtless Damian he senses my presence and turns around I blush and bite my lip at the sweat dripping from his hair, to his neck, to his chest, into the pants of wonder. "What do you want beloved"? I jump and come back to earth. "Feeling alright hubun"? "Dami we have to talk about yesterday." He frowns and goes back to training. "You had no right to punch him like that, he didn't do anything wrong". Damian stops punching the bag and chuckles "He touched you that was his first mistake, if I didn't stop him then you would have thought I was ok with it but you my girlfriend not his, you should've used your telepathy and make him let go of you but you didn't you didn't do anything about it". He paused and turned to me "Dami just because someone touches me doesn't mean they have cruel intentions, I feel safe with you enough to know that if anyone were bothering me you know when it was a threat and when it isn't. I lay my hand on his chest and he closes his eyes and lay his head on mine I feel his hands wrap around my waist and he picks me up and kisses me I teleport us to my room and we start to remove bits of clothing. "We can only go so far hubun" says Damian "I want to be with you forever as long as you promise never to fight someone over jealousy" he kisses my head and says "I promise to protect you and love you forever". I smile and we fall asleep.

Sorry if it was boring let me know what you think in the comments😊😊😋

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