The end pt2

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Raven POV
I can't believe him, after cheating me he thinks I'm just supposed to take him back? Absolutely not, no way. I have to get back at him, but how? 'sigh' I can't even think, knowing he's right down the hall, I gotta get out of here. I portal to the back alley of my favorite cafe, the smell of peach zinger tea makes my heart warm up, I almost forget about Damian. "Hey Raven!" The cashier names Marcus waved his hand, his rugged, wavey red hair was pushed back into into a man in, which I liked. Damian would always  get so  jealous when me and Marcus would smile and laugh with each other... This gives an idea. If Damian got to cheat on me, then I get to cheat on him. "Hey, uh Marcus what are you doing tomorrow?" Marcus looks at me with interest "Nothing, do you want to do something tomorrow?" I chuckle and tell him to meet at the movie theater at 7pm.
(The next day)
"Ok Kori what should I wear? The mini skirt? or the dress?" Kori sighed "The dress. Raven why are you doing this? You love Marcus, you love Damian. Instead of trying to make him jealous?" I went to the bathroom and began getting dressed." Kori if Dick cheated on you, what would you do? Would you just let it go? Would you let him go? Or would you want to get back at him?" Kori got up and began helping me put my dress on. "Rae remember when you told me about the first time you kissed Damian and you said it felt like flying towards the sun and feeling cool air brush against your face?" I brushed my hair and remember the time, the place and what we were wearing, Damian's cologne was so soft and his lips were so gentle it was perfect, I almost thought about about cancelling the date. " That was one of the best days of my life, and I always remember that day when I'm feeling sad or even when I'm feeling happy, but now whenever I think about Damian and that kiss, I realize that he did even stop to think us while he was with Amber, and if that kiss meant nothing him then it means nothing to me." I hug Kori goodbye and head the elevator, as the door opens they reveal Damian with a teddy bear holding a locket with our initials in his hands, ever since he cheated he's been getting me gifts trying to get me to forgive him. "Where are you going?" He says looking at my dress. I enter the elevator and press lobby, "I have a date with Marcus." Damian looks shocked for a moment, then looks down and chuckles. He drops the bear and stops the elevator. "Raven I thought about you the whole time you were gone, I felt terrible every single day, when I made you cry, I new I ruined the best thing that ever happened to me. Damian took my hands in his and tried to get me to look at him but I couldn't let him see the tears forming in my eyes. Damian picked the bear up and gave me the locket and started the elevator again. He looked at me one last time and said " Our first was the best day of my life I don't know if you think about it at all, but I think about it every single day, I'd re-live it if I could. When we kissed if felt swimming in the cool ocean with heat from the morning air blowing against my back. Rae, any other girl I wouldn't think twice to save my relationship with her, but you're not any other girl, you're the only person I actually enjoy arguing with because your worth it, when we argue and you stay around for it, it means that you don't want to give up on us, and Im not going to give up on us. We're perfect for each other Rae and you're not over me." I turned my head him and anger began to fill up my face "You don't know me Damian, you only care about yourself, you only feel bad because you got caught, if you never got caught then you would continued to cheat on me with that slut Amber!!!!" I calmed down and collected my thoughts. " You're not worth the anger and frustration it takes to be in a relationship, I loved you." I begin walking away and I hear him saying. "Your not over me Raven." and I reply with "Yes I am" "No you're not. You wanna know how I know." I turned around and decided to humor him "How Damian? How do you know?" "Because... You're wearing one all of the gifts I bought you." I looked down at out and realized, he was right. He bought the dress, the shoes and purse I was carrying. "Rae you wouldn't wear those things trying to make a point, you're not like that." I took off the purse and through it at him, and kicked the shoes off which he let him the shin. I started hitting his chest and decided to hug him instead. I was to heartbroken and in love to cry. Instead I took the locket out of my hands and used my magic to duplicate it, and gave him the other half and kissed him passionately and same feeling from the first kiss overflowed me. He held me in his arms and deepened the kiss, we gasped for air and let our heads touch enjoying the feeling surrounding us. Damian smiled and said "So do you forgive me?" I looked at him and picked up the purse and shoes by his feet, I punched him across the face and Watched him fall down, he looked at me with a confused smile, "Don't ever cheat on me again. Now we're even." I said. He got up and we began walking back to the tower. "Oh wait! But what about Marcus?" Damian picked me up and kissed my cheek, "Don't worry about him, I'll have Pennyworth pick him up." I have Damian a tight squeeze and instead of thinking about the end of what our relationship use to be before he cheated I thought about how happy we are going to be together.
Raven's outfit

 Raven's outfit

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Damian's and Raven's locket

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Damian's and Raven's locket

Damian's and Raven's locket

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