Ravens in Gotham pt2

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Damian pov
After I leave my 3 class I hurry to Raven's P.E. class, she leaves the girls locker room and looks around for me, we make I contact and she walks towards me I can't help but notice how the light bounces off her hair, "Hey Damian, I'm ready." She looks at me with a slight smile and we walk down the hall out of the school, the cold winter air hits our face as we speed walk to my car, I open the passenger door for her and she gives me a confused smile in return, she buckles her seatbelt as I turn on the heat, I look at her and notice her nose is a little red its adorable and so are her watery eyes. I drive off to the restaurant I planned on taking her we go inside where she orders a sandwich and lemonade, and I order a salad we begin talking about the Titans, and what our lives were like before them, Rae tells me that she use to be in foster care in New York before her Aunt Alice took her in and moved to Detroit, she tells me how difficult it was for the both of them and Rachel's powers didn't make it any easier, her aunt actually considered putting Rachel into a mental institution for young superhumans, but since she couldn't afford thought about putting her back in the system, but Dick found out about Rachel and offered to take her in and she's been with the Titans ever since, we bond over our love books and I decide to tell her about the league, I tell her about the time I left for Gotham how angry and sad, I wanted to stay with my mother but she told me she couldn't look after me, and the league at the same time, I said to myself that from that point on I didn't want anyone's love, I wanted their respect. We finish our food and we go back to the car drive back to the school, I open the door for her and we walk into the building she thanks me for the meal and company and goes to her class, I feel a sudden emptiness as I watch her walk away, I wonder if she feels the same way?
Rachel POV
I put my hair into a ponytail as I watch the snow fall down in my room, I enjoyed my time with Damian today it was nice having someone to talk to, I feel like we're becoming closer as team mates, I lay down on my round carpet, put on my headphones and think about him, I missed his smile and his eyes and how his hair was black with dark brown strikes in it, he even opened the door for me no guy has ever done that for me before, I hope he always treats me that way. I hear a sudden knock at the door and go to open it I see Damian standing there, we look at each other for a moment before he says "Remember when I said I didn't want anyone's love just their respect?" I nod yes, "Well I want your respect, your trust, and your love" I look at him with shock I'm happy he told me this but isn't this to soon? "I'm not asking if you love me, and I'm not saying I love you but, I miss you all the time, and I trust you more than anyone, I know that I want us to be closer in the future, I just needed to tell you that see you tomorrow." He kisses me on the cheek and leaves, I close the door and jump on the bed and burry my face in my pillow I squeel and smile like never before and go to sleep smiling thinking "I want us to be closer in the future too."

I know I haven't updated in a while but I hope guys enjoy this 🥺

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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