Ravens in Gotham City

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Damian POV age 18
4:00am this is the time she's usually up. I turn off my alarm clock and roll over to the other side of my bed and gently place my face on the pillow that was designated for one person and one person only, a quite girl that some how always manage to get my attention when ever she wanted it, a girl who never waisted words for she believed they more valuable than gifts, even though her soft supple voice was a gift to my ears, a girl who's hair smelled of lavender, and breath like lemon and honey, a girl who I would only get to see in the summer and winter, even though I preferred to see her everyday. I get up and walk around my room trying to get the feeling of her out my head, I go over to the tv and begin to watch shows that irreplaceable girl had recommended, I tried to focus on the show "Penny Dreadful" but it reminded me of her presence, I quickly turn it off the tv and go to the bathroom and get ready for school, I brush my hair the way that I want and put my school uniform, I get in the car which is driven by Pennyworth but I find it difficult paying attention to our conversation since he drives me to the same place that keeps me from being with the girl I want to be with. I get out the car and close the door and walk to school that I basically own, as I walk in the building it doesn't take long for girls to try grab my attention by showing off the cleavage, and twirl in their short skirts, jocks also try to grab my attention and throw footballs at me but I catch them mind my own business, on my way to my first class I notice a Raven on the window sill looking at me, only it's not looking right at me, but at it's own reflection, the girl I want to be anywhere with, always told me that when a Raven is around it's guiding her to her destiny, hopefully this one is guiding her to me-. What is WRONG WITH ME?!?!?! How did she get me like this she's what I think when I go to sleep and when I wake up why her why... As I turn the corner I notice a tall skinny Emo kid talking a girl that clearly doesn't want his attention, as I stare at the girl longer she begins to smell like the girl I want, her hair looks just like the girl I miss, the girl who is 2,000 miles away from me, as I walk closer the bothered girl the more I begin to realize... "Rachel?" she lowers her head phones and looks at me, her soft violet eyes obviously still tired meeting mine, her short dark hypnotizing hair shaping her face, her full lips forming a smiling making me smile, our moment was cut short when the tall kid wrapped his arms around her, it took almost everything I had not to punch this guy but I look into her eyes and she shakes her head no, the boy then says "Hey look rich kid, we're a little busy here, so would mind leav-" "Actually I would mind" I say, I take his arm off her and pull her to my side, "She is my friend after all." The kid looks blantanly obvious confused but he turns his attention away from me to Rachel and says "Ughm, Rachel do you know him?" She looks at me and wraps her arm around my side hugging me "Of course we go waaay back." We smile at each other and giggle as the teen walks away in disbelief, Rachel sighs and closes leaving my side, I missed having her under my arm, she gets her books out of her locker and looks at her schedule I watch in amusement as she adorably tries to figure out where her classes are after about 15 seconds I finally ask her "Want some help?" She giggles and my heart flutters at the sound of her laughter "Yes I would like that a lot" she hands me the paper and I almost jump for joy when I find out We have all but one class together and that's chemistry. We walk to our first class and take our seats next each other in the back of the class we're partners in all our classes and even sit next to each other in lunch there I ask her "So, why are you here in Gotham?" She swallows her fries and says "Why don't you miss me?" I absolutely did "If you must know Damian, I'm here with Kori because she's visiting Dick and didn't want me to be alone in the tower all by myself, so when she found out you would be in this academy she thought it would be a good idea if I were close to her just in case, and somewhere I wouldn't be a complete stranger, and get to be a normal teen, kind of a win win situation." I'am so happy that I approved of Kori and Dick's relationship. "Rae do you wanna go have lunch somewhere else tomorrow?" She looks surprised, and asks me where? "I know a place that's close and family friendly" she looks curious but agrees to have lunch with me I finish eating a though put away our trays I help her find her room and it's not to far from mine I have a room to myself since father payed for me to have one even though I rather be here with Rachel. I drift to sleep hoping this wasn't a dream, hoping I would get to see her when I awaken, and hoping that the ravens in Gotham brought her to me.

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