Because I love you

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Ages: Damian 19 Raven 19 1/2
Damian POV:
Today's was me and Raven's day off, Dick said that we could do whatever we wanted as long as we didn't leave Jump City, I decided to do something nice for her and take her to mall, I told her I would buy her anything she wanted but every time I said that she would turn my offer down. "Raven" I said "What's your favorite store we can go there and I can buy you your favorite clothes, or makeup, or-" She briskly turned around and said "Damian I can buy my clothes, I have a job, I can buy what I need. I dont need any favors from you!" And with that she stormed off.
I walked around the mall for a little while but couldn't find her. I texted her 12 times but no reply I was beginning to think something happened to her, what if she was kidnapped by one of Trigons followers?, What if she ran away?, What if the league of assassin's got her and buried alive?, I ran out the mall and saw her heading into the maze. "Raven!" She turned around I ran up to her and hugged her but quickly came to my senses and let her go, "So where have you been?" She rolled her eyes and went into the maze I was about to go in after her but the guy said I had to pay first I quickly paid him the money owed and more if he let me have it for a hour he agreed and I look for Raven again. I called out to her and could see little figures shaped like her, but every time I got close it was a always a tree or something. "Raven" I called "what's wrong? I don't know what I did, let's just talk this out." As soon as I turned the corner I was met buy her pale skin frame. "Fine" she said "Let's talk about this" we began walking together "I have my own job at the library, I can buy what I need I've been taking care of myself sense the day I got to earth so please let me continue to take care of myself, I'm not some girl who needs people to watch out for everyday." What she said made me remember that Raven and I have lived to very different lives "Raven I don't think your weak, it's just that in Nana parabat it's not uncommon for someone to give everything they can provide to the one they love." She let out a sigh "Damian, in Azarath know one spoiled me, in fact, no one was spoiled and when I got to earth my aunts my uncle's even my grandmother didn't spoil me they actually called me lazy when I asked them for a gift, when I came hear all I had was my cloak, scrolls I find from Azarath, and books with spells and potions from Trigons realm, I had to hide myself from everyone because I was kept a secret away from the people of Azarath, and when I was with my father when I didn't do what he said I was tortured, until I gave in." She looked like she was going to cry, but she held back the tears. "When I got here I quickly learned about the saying "an eye for an" and if you scratch my back I'll scratch your's" I learned to fend for myself. When you've lived the life I have it's not easy to let people care about without thinking they want something from you." I took her hand and turned her to face me "Rae I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything I want to provide for you and give you the world because I love you." We exit the maze and get into drive back to the tower I walk her back to her room and we say our goodbyes.
I take off my shirt change into my pj pants I brush my teeth and look at the scar on my stomach from my battle with Ra's Al ghul, I'd do it all again for her. I hear a knock on my door and open it and see Raven in her pastel pink nightgown, I was just about to let her in when she said "I love you too" and teleported back to her room.
The Next Day
Raven's POV:
I wake up and see a bunch presents on the floor in front my bed each with and on the bathroom mirror a not from Damian read.

Dearest Beloved,
I'm sorry for know one ever telling you how amazing you are and how priceless you are so I decided to show you.

Because I love you, I want to buy you things that would make you smile,
Because I love you, I will always protect you,
Because I love you, I want you to stay by my side always,
Because I love you, I will never stop telling you how beautiful you look,
Because I love you, I trust with my life,
Because I love you, I want you to trust me,
Because I love you, I trust you with my heart,
Because I love you, If you trust me with your heart I will never drop it, I'll never let you go.

I get the note off the mirror and run out of my room as soon as I got to Damian's room, I saw him on one knee in front in a bed of rose petals, I walked up to him in disbelief, "Damian what are you doing?" He pulled out a ring and I was beautiful. "Raven this ring is almost as beautiful as you, I know that we are still young and that we still have a lot to learn about each other, but I'm willing to figure all that stuff out as husband and wife, you don't have to say yes and we can wait if you want, I just want you to know that I'll be here for you." I squeezed the note in my hand and said " I trust you Damian, and you've been good to me, so yes I'll marry you Damian Wayne." He got up and kissed me. Then I whispered into is ear... "Because I love you."

Sorry for the bad grammar 😅 I hope you all enjoyed it 🤗

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