Alone With You (and Titus)

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Raven POV

When I'm around Damian I feel how should I say this? "normal" Being around him is like Trigon never existed it's like I'm just normal girl, I've had my fair share of heartbreak on Earth but with Damian theirs just him. I guess you could say I could be alone with him forever. I know I shouldn't say this but... I love him. Just being alone in the same bed with him is my happy place. "What are you thinking about beloved?" I place my hand on his chest and smile. " That you're too good to be true." He kisses my forehead I love that and he knows it, we snuggle up together when we hear four happy paws running down the hallway of Wayne Manor, he smiles and we both sit up ready to expect all the sloppy wet kisses we're about to receive. "Hi Titus who's my favorite boy in the whole wide world? You are, yes you are," Me and Damian cuddle the now fully grown dog ". "Rae?" I look at Damian while still petting Titus. "Yes?" I say to him. " Do you mean that?" I look at him, "Did you mean it when you said that Titus is your favorite boy? I mean if that's true then what am I to you?" I let Titus go and look at Damian's emerald eyes "Damian your my man, your my happy place, your my best friend, your... My hero" Damian stares at me his eyes all wide, blushes and looks away " Dang, that's a lot more than I was expecting." Titus starts to scratch my leg "Outside?! you wanna go outside?! boy let's go outside." Me and Damian take Titus for a walk around Gotham City, even though it's dangerous I feel safe with him. We walk to the park and take Titus off his leash to let him do his business. Damian and I sit on the bench and I notice the families playing with their pets and hugging each other "Is that something you want beloved?" I blush and look away " Oh please Damian" I say " Me, a mother? How would that go?" Damian takes my hand " Rae we can have a family, together." I pull my hand away "Damian, I'm not normal I can't have a normal life and that means no normal family for me, you can though." He scoots over closer to me and hugs me "Beloved if I don't get to have you then I don't want a normal life." I back up off of him and look at him in the eye and ask him " Dami, what am I to you?" He gets down on one knee and takes a little box out of his pocket, opens it to reveal a amethyst ring with diamonds on the sides. "You're my happy place, you're my best friend, you're  the love of my life, you' hero." I start crying "Damia-" "Rae will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife?" I'm speechless the man of my dreams just asked me to marry him. "Yes Damian, I will marry you." He smiles at me and slips the ring on my finger and gives me a passionate kiss, and shouts "She said yes!" The Titans, the Batfamily and some members of the justice league pop out from behind trees and out of cars. They congratulate us, and Titus licks our faces. We all go back to Wayne Manor for food and drinks me and Damian go to the balcony together and watch the stars alone together. And Titus.

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