The End

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Damian POV
I looked at my phone with disgust. "How could I do this?" I open my messages and see all the text between me and Amber. I didn't even love her.
(2 weeks ago)
I walk Raven to her cab to the airport she's visiting her aunt in New Orleans. "Goodbye Dami see you next week." I give her a big hug, and kiss her goodbye, even though it's just a week I know it will feel longer. She gets in and I pay the cab driver. "I'll get her there safely" the cab drivers name was Amber, she has long blonde hair and brown eyes and touches my arm winks and then drives off. I have a bad feeling about this.
The next day she drives her cab back to Wayne manor and asks for my number for whatever reason I give her my number, she says she looks forward to hearing from me kiss me and drives off. I hear a voice coming from behind me. "Damian I have no idea what you're doing but you have a good thing with Raven don't ruin for some girl you just met." My older brother Jason thinks he can just give me advice "I know what I'am doing" I say.
For the next 3 days me and Amber have been having sex everyday and once even in the room Raven was staying in at Wayne Manor.
(Present Time)
Raven sent me a picture of me and Amber kissing in bed, that was taken by Amber. I try to call her but no answer then I try to call Amber and no answer. What was going to happen I love Raven I can't lose her.
Raven POV
Damian cheating on me I had only been gone for two seconds. I cut my trip short and teleport back to Wayne manor.
I knock on the door and Alfred answers it. "Hello Alfred." Seeing him calms me down. "Good evening Miss Roth, Master Damian is up stairs in his room." "Thank you" I make my way to his room, the whole batfam is there each giving me a look I pay them all no mind and go to Damian.
I knock on his door and he opens it.
"Hi Rae" I enter his room and wait for him to close the door. It's dead silent " Soo-" I slap him across the face and begin to cry. " What is wrong with you Damian? I've been gone for 3 days and you're already sleeping with another girl? What do love her more?" "No!" "Have you cheated on me before?" "No!" "How can I Believe you?" He comes closer to me and tries to hug me but I push him off "Rae please forgive me you're the one that I love and would never hurt you." I chuckle " you're a liar Damian, you're a cheater, you're arrogant and a bully. I don't even know why I dated you in the first place." A tear falls from his eyes "Rae you don't mean that, I love you and you love me." He holds me in his arms and I  continue to push him away. "Rae please forgive me, Amber means nothing to me I don't want her I just want you." He tries to kiss me but I hold him back, we fall down on the bed and he begins kissing my neck, I try to push him back and tell him to stop but he's so strong and I'm to sad, angry and frustrated to say anything. "Rae forgive me." He kisses me roughly and pins my arms above my head. I start crying more and more, knowing that his lips kissed someone else was grossing me out.
"Rae say you forgive me,Please." I open a portal trying to get away from him but he follows me through and we were on the floor of my room in Titans Tower. "Damian I hate you" he begins kissing my cleavage and then my stomach "No you don't Rae, we could never hate each other." He's right, he takes of his shirt and begins taking off mine "Damian you hurt me in more ways than you could ever imagine, I don't want to be with you so please get off of me." He takes one long look at me and hugs me before getting up to go to his room. "I won't give up on us." "Maybe you should." He kisses my hand and apologizes, then leaves.

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