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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I chose this song b/c I ❤ Quentin Tarantino movies. And because I thought it went well with Raven's back story. I hope you all enjoy.
Raven pov
"Azerath Metrion Zinthos"
I remember my birth like it was yesterday it's odd but so am I and I've tried to forget every single day. My mother Arella screaming and clouds formed over the city of Azarath, "It's a girl" said one of nurses "What you would like to name her" my mother looked at me and the nurse gave me to her. "Evil has been born and evil will prosper as long as their is air in it's lungs" my mother unwrapped the cloak around me, grapped a pair of scissors and tried to stab me but The Nurse stopped her and took me away.
Nurse pov
What was Arella doing killing a little baby? She's crying so loudly poor little thing. "Shhhhhhh, its okay little one your safe, are you hurt?" I take off my cloak and wrap it around her to keep her warm. I notice a cut on her chest directly over the heart. "Poor little baby". I start to dab the wound when all of a sudden, the cloak turns black and a little purple myst hovers over the cut and it vanishes. My eyes widen in shock, I hold her close to me and she finally opens her amethyst eyes and I notice her widows peak and short black hair, "Well little one, your not evil. Your as pretty as a Raven".
Time skip 4 years
"Grandmaster she could be it". Said I say "For the fifth time Nurse, there is no Metrion" said the Grandmaster "And what if there is we would've put our whole lives in danger" I say. The grandmaster took down his hood "Metrion, is a myth. It is a spirit born of two worlds and can either be the evil in the world or save people from it. Azareth made this place so we would never have to be at the hands of evil." "Grandmaster I've seen what this girl can do she's special she can see into the future and- "Nurse her mother is a earthling!" "But we know nothing of her father" I say "Because there is nothing to know she's just a child, meeting dismissed".
Raven pov
I'm in the study of the house the monks gave to Arella. The people here don't exactly like me so I spend the day inside and during the night I go with Nurse to run errands and learn more magic. Im reading more on telekinesis when I see The Nurse walking with Mother. I jump up and run to them "Mommy I missed you" I tried to hug her but she put her hand up and told me not to, The Nurse picked me up and hugged and kissed me instead. Arella just groaned and put her hands on ger hips "Nurse did you speak to grandmaster?" said Arella "I did" said Nurse "And did they agree?" Nurse put me down and told me go back to my room I take my studies and walk to my room, but I stop behind the wall and listen to their conversation.
Nurse pov
"Arella they're not going to test Raven. She is after all, just a child and since we have no evidence as far as the Grandmasters are concerned she's just like you". Arella turns around and takes out a scroll from the shelf titled "Metrion the Inevitable" she hands it to me and says "Raven is no child she is just a tool for destruction in a little girls body and we have to stop her before she kills us all". My eyes widen and I feel my blood boiling, "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT? Raven is the sweetest, kindess most intellegent girl in the city but you wouldn't know since all you ever do is judge your own child. In the story when Metrion received hate and resentment from it's people it gave them destruction, but when it received love and acceptance it protected everything it could touch." I look down at the scroll and then look back up. I see Raven. Crying. "Don't you see, evil isn't something you're born with. Its the outcome of never feeling you're wanted, cherished, loved." I look at Arella and give her the scroll. "If Raven does destroy Azarath it's not because of her. It's because you, her own mother told her that was all she was capable of doing." I start walking and Raven runs to her room. I catch up to her and we go together. "Nurse" says Raven "I don't want to be evil I want to be the good in the world and I'll try..." she starts to cry even more. "Please don't give up on me I'll really try to be good even if I have to do it on my own-" I hug her and wipe away the warm tears off her little face and say "Raven you have the power to make the whole world your enemy, and you have the power to protect the world from greater enemies but, I just want you to know that which ever path you choose I will be there with you every step of the way". She falls asleep in my arms and I lay her down to rest.
I go outside her room and begin to cry. "Poor Raven" I say to myself "Your so hopeful, so please be strong because, there is evil festuring inside you but you have to fight it little bird you have to, be bigger than the hate, be bigger than the anger, and just remember...before you were hated you were loved."

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