blind date

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december 19th, 2019.

"so there is nothing feelings-wise going on between you guys?" sophia smirked at me evilly.


"then you wouldn't mind going on a date with a guy i met. you two would get along so we-"

"no. no blind dates, soph. i don't want to date anyone right now." i rolled my eyes.

"that's exactly why you should! you've legit never dated anyone."





"yes. WAIT NO!"

sophia smirked at me. "i'll tell him that you'll do it. dress nice tonight."

i rolled my eyes, but didn't object.

we were sitting on my bed.

i texted john saying:

kenz - got a date tonight. can't come over.

he replied just seconds later.

johnny - uh, okay?

kenzie - don't wanna do it. soph is making me

johnny - she's not making you do anything. whatever, mackenzie.

he sounded mad...he has no reason to be. he can't be jealous, if he liked me, he would tell me and not continue with this fucking deal. he also can't be mad, because i am allowed to do whatever i want even if we are messing around. he must be really eager to get fucked.

god, he makes me so irritated sometimes.

sophia looked through my closet for an outfit while i did my makeup. 

she picked out a red dress that hung low and showed some cleavage, and was pretty short. 

i rolled my eyes and put it on, i think i looked pretty good in it.

the boy, jacob sartorius, picked me up from my house. i smiled at him as i crawled into his black car.

"hey. i'm kenzie."

he smiled back. "you're stunning. and i'm jacob."

we drove to a restaurant and talked, he was actually really easy to talk to.

"i have one sister, maddie. she's in new york studying at julliard right now."

he smiled. "you must miss her."

i nodded. we went into the restaurant.

we laughed and ran out of the restaurant. jacob had just eaten six plates of food, but i had eaten eight. 

"i'm a girl. believe it or not, lots of girls like to eat." i laughed.

we got into the car and he didn't start the engine. 

"you gonna start the car or...?"

except he was now kissing me, i tried to push him off but it was no use. i just decided to endure it and ask him to take me home. 

so there we were; making out in the front seats of his car in the parking lot of a very fancy restaurant, when i felt his hand slip under my dress and start to pull down my underwear. 

"jacob, no..."

"shut the fuck up." he started to unbuckle his pants.

"no...i don't want to have sex with you!" i was terrified.

"i don't care. now shut the fuck up and deal with it."

i pushed him off of me as he pulled out his penis.

i tried to open the door; but it was locked. i felt his length press against my back. i started banging against the window, trying to alert someone. no use.

finally i opened the door just as he pulled my dress to fuck me from the back.

i pulled up my underwear once i got out.

"you evil human." my eyes started to tear up and i ran away from the car. i could see him pull up his pants and start the car, then drive by me and almost run me over.

i was now crying fully.

i went on my phone and dialed johnny's number. 

"hello?" he sounded irritated.

"johnny, i need you to pick me up, please?" i was sobbing.

"kenz, what happened? i'm on my way. where are you?"

"the restaurant on the corner of woolwich and freeman." 

he sighed. "are you still with him?" 

"no. he-he tried to-"

"tried to what, kenz? i swear to god if he tried to even touch you!" i could hear his car start over the phone.

"just please come and get me."

he agreed and stayed on the phone with me while driving, just to make sure i was okay. ten minutes later, i saw his car pull into the parking lot and he stopped in front of me, got out of the car and grabbed me.

"thank you." i muttered while sobbing into his shoulder.

"shh, kenz, i'm here." he rested his lips against my forehead.

after a long time of us embracing, we finally got into his truck and he squeezed my thigh; nothing sexual, just reassuring.

"are you okay? di-did he...?" he looked at me, then back at the road.

"no. but almost."

i felt his hand squeeze me harder, he was mad.

"i will kill him." he shook his head. "nobody touches a girl like that; especially my kenz."

i grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "johnny, chill out. just focus on driving."

after a couple of minutes, he stopped in front of my house. "want me to stay?"

i nodded. we both knew he meant that in a platonic way.

"will i need to sneak through your window?" he asked.

i shook my head. "parents aren't home. they're in russia for a business trip until monday."

we both got out and once i got back to his side, he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me to to him.

we got up to my room.

i found clothes and went into the closet, changed and came back out. i was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.

johnny had the tv on. i climbed in beside him and he pulled me to his chest.

"you're safe, kenz."

and i fell into a really deep sleep, john holding me.

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