a real date

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"kenzieeeeeeee." i felt a kiss on my nose. "babyyyyyyyy." 

"what?" i muttered as i rubbed my eyes.

"wake uppppppp!" i looked at john in front of me. 

i scrunched my eyebrows. "why're you so happy?"

he grabbed my face with both hands. "i realized i woke up next to you."

he looked so cute at that moment, like a little puppy. i grinned up at him.

then i remembered what happened last night.

my face fell. 

"what's wrong?"

"last night. worst date ever. well i've only ever been on one date...so."

"he deserves to be run over by a large truck." 

"yes he does."

i got up to pick an outfit. "do you wanna hang out today? we can just stay in and eat pizza."

i nodded at him. "i'd love that."

and we did just that.

(christmas eve)

"soph, where are you taking me?" i rolled my eyes at my best friend. she just said dress warm and comfortable.

she smirked and didn't reply.

we pulled up to the front of a warehouse. "you planning on murdering me or...?"

we got out of the car and she dragged me to the door to the warehouse.

we went inside and i couldn't see anything; then suddenly all the lights turned on and there were fairy lights everywhere, this warehouse was like a barn with an upstairs.

i looked to the middle of the warehouse.

"thank you sophia. i appreciate it." johnny smiled at her as he walked up to us. 

i was still in awe over how pretty it looked; there was a big movie theatre screen set up on the one side and a projector shining on it.

sophia nodded and muttered a quick "have fun!".

she slipped out the door and i heard her car start before i spoke. "what is this?"

"i wanted to take you on a real date, not some stupid one where you go to a restaurant and he tries using you."

i smiled up at him. "i don't deserve you."

he grinned. "come on, let's go ice skating." he brought me over to the skates and we put them on. then, he opened the door and we went out to the ice rink that was set up behind the warehouse; this used to be the old hockey rink in our town. 

there was also fairy lights set up all around the rink.


we stepped onto the ice and held each other's hands while i tried to not fall, and he grabbed my waist with one hand when i almost slipped.

it was like a fairytale.

we skated and laughed.

i was just starting to get the hang of it when i started to fall, pulling him down with me and i was on top of him.

"damn, kenz. you seem to really like this pose, huh?"

i giggled and we got up.

"wanna go inside?" he asked me and i nodded.

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