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sophia smiled at me. "you can't tell me you aren't dating."

"yes i can."

"don't lie!"

"i'm not."

"yes you are."




"can y'all shut the hell up?" joey rolled his eyes.

i looked at him. "what's your problem?"

"nothing. it's just really annoying because all you two do is talk about johnny. we know you have a thing with him, so stop denying it!"

"but i don't!" i argued with him.

"then what? are you hoeing around with him? cause i know you wouldn't do that. so stop saying there isn't anything happening between you two, because it's obvious!"

"there isn't."

"then you're being a whore and fucking him. is that it?"

i stayed quiet.

he shook his head. "no fucking way. he's using you, and you're falling for it!"

i could feel my eyes start to water, so i got up from my seat (soph, lexi, joey and i all went out for lunch at our favorite restaurant, pete's diner.) and looked at joey. 

"you don't know anything about it. i'm sorry that you have no balls to actually do something with someone, but i'm enjoying myself and you can't slut-shame me for something that is normal to do as a teenager." i rolled my eyes and walked out.

i was on the phone with sophia, because we didn't get to talk after the whole joey fiasco. 

"so...what's it like? like yes, i've had sex-"

"soph, we haven't had sex yet." i laughed.

"oh." she chuckled. "how come? not that you have to, i'm just curious."

"well...i don't know. i just feel like it hasn't been the right time to do it. plus even though he has done it, i'm still a virgin. i atleast want it to be special, as cliche as it seems."

"that makes sense. i mean, lexi and i went slow too."

"he understands my reluctance when it comes to these things. i mean, i hadn't really done anything with anyone until that day in the classroom..."


i smiled as i started cleaning my room, looking at the pictures of my best friend and i on my mirror. "that day that i said i went to the library...yeah, i didn't go to the library."

she sighed. "i thought so. but what did you do?"

"nothing you need to know, soph. i'm not saying this over phone, as much as i love and trust you."

i could hear her groan. "oh fine, kenz. see you tomorrow at school?"

i nodded even though she couldn't see me. "love you."

we hung up and i continued to clean my room, bringing my laundry to the washer and dryer, tidying up all my school stuff, makeup, and then going to my large walk in closet. 

i organized everything and found three of john's hoodies, one of his shirts and a pair of his sweatpants that he left here a bit ago. i decided i better give his clothes back, but i really liked them so i put them on for pajamas that night.

i almost fell asleep when my phone started to ring.

john was facetiming me. 

i accepted and sat up in my bed. 

"hey ziegler."

i smiled. "hey juan."

"whatcha doing?" he smiled his perfect smile.

"i was about to go to sleep." i said grumpily.

"i'm sorry that i woke you...is that my shirt?"

i blushed. "maybe. anyways, what did ya want?"

he shrugged. "i don't know...i was bored. i thought maybe we could talk."


"nothing in particular. i just feel like we spend so much time messing around, that we don't really get to know each other."

and we spent the night doing just that.

friends with benefits - jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now