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"that's gross." joey laughed at me as i chewed on the back of my pencil. 

it was english class and we were just started our new book, romeo and juliet. yes, it's cliche, but it's a classic. 

the teacher started reading about half an hour ago and i was reading along until joey interrupted my peace. 

"you going to the party?"

he smiled. "yeah, you?"


"okay, class. now that we have finished this chapter, i want y'all to partner up and answer the questions on this sheet. the reason you are being partnered is because i want you to hear different perspectives, to change your outlook on some ideas." the teacher smiled. "but, i am picking the partners."

i groaned as i caught the teacher looking accusingly at joey and i. 

obviously joey and i were gonna partner up; he's one of my best friends. 

suddenly the door opened and johnny orlando walked in, hickeys on his neck and tousled hair. 

must've found a random girl to hook up with in a closet between classes now that him and nadia broke up.

"ah, mr. orlando, my favorite student." the teacher said sarcastically. "because you were late, i'm pairing you with mackenzie, she can help you catch up."

johnny and i made eye contact and he rolled his eyes. "great."

the teacher paired everyone up and joey was partnered with a girl named cayla. he smiled at me and walked over to her, while johnny came and sat in joey's seat. in this class, two desks are joined together to make one desk. so i shared with joey; and now johnny for this class.

"what are we doing?" he asked.

"we have to answer questions about the book and put our own input into it."

he scrunched his eyebrows. "okay. your place tonight?"

"excuse me?"

"do you want to work on it tonight?"

"i guess."

the teacher caught our attention. "okay, everyone. i do ask that you get as much done in your own time because we do need to cover a lot of content this week. you will be creating a presentation to show to the class, about your opinions, and a summary of the book in your own words. you will be presenting on monday. now, let's get back to the book."

everyone started to move back to their seats. joey came over, but johnny was still in his seat. 

"uh..." joey awkwardly laughed. 

"what do you want, birlem?" johnny said.

"you're in my seat."

"what are we, in kindergarten?" he scoffed.

i rolled my eyes. "johnny, shut the hell up and leave."

"whatever you say, kenz." 

joey rolled his eyes while he was gone. "he's so goddamn annoying."

"i know."

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