the party

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i was nervous. i'm not sure why. but the party started in ten minutes and i was getting ready. i wasn't going to be the first one there of course, but i wanted to make sure everything was ready just in case. i wasn't sure what to wear. 

my phone dinged.

jawknee -


why'd he want to facetime?

i went to his contact and facetimed him. 

"hey kenzie."

"hey, john. why'd you wanna facetime?"

"curious what you were gonna wear."

i groaned. "i've been trying to figure that out for the last hour!"

"need help?"

"how would you be able to help? what do you know about women's style?"

"as a matter of fact, my mother is a very stylish woman and i've been surrounded by three sisters my whole life. i think i would have an idea. also, i know what i find attractive in a girl, so."

"great. because i am definitely trying to attract you."

"i know. are we going for a more comfy or sexy look? or just stylish?" he smiled.

"what do you think is more appropriate for the occasion?"

"i would say sexy because that's all the girls dress but it's really up to how comfortable you feel. just dress casual."

 i searched through my closet. "i do have a dress i think might work. it's a bodycon dress, so not formal but kind of sexy?"

he nodded.

"okay. thanks, john. see you there."

"you're not going to let me see?"

"you'll have to wait. goodbye."

he looked angry as i hung up. 

i slipped into the short black v-neck dress. i paired some jewellery and af1s with it, then put a black and white windbreaker on over it. for my hair, i straightened the blonde streaks.

i looked good; i admit. 

i ran downstairs. "hey, kenz." maddie said. 

she was sitting on the couch in her pajamas. 

"hey mads, not going to the party?" she always goes.

"no. i was gonna but jack is going with caroline and i just can't stand to see that."

jack kelly; maddie's ex-boyfriend. they broke up three weeks ago, which was when she found out he was cheating with one of the girl's on her dance team, caroline brown. 

"makes sense."

"so, are you gonna flirt with any boys tonight?" she grinned.

"no." i smiled. 


wait, what? three days ago i hated him and now we're flirting with each other? i'm confused.

"okay, well, have fun." 

"seeya mads!"

i jumped into my red convertible and sped down the streets of LA. 

the lawn was scattered with red solo cups and drunk girls dancing as i pulled up to the mansion. 

i parked in one of the limited spaces. 

once inside, people started greeting me.

"hey kenz! weird seeing you here! finally taking a break from studying?" carson lueders came up to me and put his arm around me as we travelled towards the backyard. i could see sophia and lexi dancing back near the pool. 

friends with benefits - jenzieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant