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"alright, girls. there'll be five scouts at the track meet next week, and y'all need to be ready. we are going to have four practices after school this week, and if any of y'all can't show, speak to me immediately. now, good job and have a good school day." mr. coddin, our coach, said.

sophia and i ran towards the changerooms, which were in the other side of the school, and we had gotten out late from practice, so everyone was already in the halls.

"hey ziegler, i bet i'm the only guy in this school that you haven't screwed, wanna change that?" i turned to see caden conrique grab his balls and smirk at me.

"what the fuck?" i sneered. i started to walk towards him, and a couple of his friends. one of his friends grabbed my ass and said, "your ass looks nice in those shorts." i was wearing my track shorts, which were spandex, tight and short.

"fuck off." sophia slapped him.

"mackenzie, the slut, ziegler." i turned to see nadia and her posse. why'd this have to happen today? or happen at all? 

"nadia, i'm not in the mood right now."

"yeah, well i am! we have something we need to settle." she stepped towards me.

"fine, let's settle it. right here, right now!" i saw johnny step into the crowd from the corner of my eye.

"you stole my boyfriend, you lying bitch!" nadia sneered.

"well maybe i was better than you...at things." i smirked. "oh that's right. he wouldn't even sleep with you. no wonder you're so salty."

people were surrounding us in the big hallway of our school.

she screamed psychotically and ran towards me.

strong, familiar hands started holding me firmly by the waist, so i couldn't get out.

"bring it." i laughed at nadia.

it was here in the middle of the hallway, surrounded by my fellow classmates, that i realized; i wasn't the same person anymore. and it was just because of that stupid "friends with benefits" deal...

someone grabbed nadia and stopped her, just as she was about to reach me.

"why stop her? if i'm such a slut, why spare me? huh?" i yelled at the crowd. "sleeping with people isn't something to be ashamed of!"

"it is if it's the whole student body!" nadia yelled. 

"i never slept with the whole student body, my god! nadia, you've probably slept with more people than me, and do you see me or anyone else slut-shaming you?" 

"please. my body count wouldn't pass yours in a million years!"


johnny's hands went limp at my sides. 

did i just say that?

"in love? he just wants you for sex, mackenzie. save yourself the time and effort."

everyone in the hall went quiet. i could feel johnny's stares on my neck, and his arms were still grasping my waist.

i couldn't stay there any longer, so i started to run towards the door. 

"mackenzie!" johnny yelled. 

it was too late; i was already running towards my car in the parking lot.

what had i done? even nadia pitied me! i guess it was because she understood the feeling, she loved him too...but i had just outed myself in front of the whole school.

i don't need this right now. i can't have it, i need to pay attention to the big track meet. but i couldn't let it get to me. i've had these goals since i was little; and i can't let boys and drama get in the way.

friends with benefits - jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now