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i woke up later than usual, the morning after the party. 

a day to relax, i guess. 

at least was already two days ahead in all my classes, so i didn't need to stress about anything like that. but i just couldn't stop thinking about johnny. about his mesmerising eyes. his mesmerising lips...

'i should go on a run.' i thought. 'yeah. to get my mind off things.'

i changed into workout clothes, drank some water, and started running down the street. 

i greeted my neighbours that were outside. "hey, mrs. collins!" she was watering her plants. 

wendy collins was an old woman who lived with her husband. the two were pretty active for being over 70, but they were still the typical old couple, who often invited me over to help with the garden or for cookies.

"mackenzie, my dear, how are you?" she smiled at me and i paused running.

"i'm good, how are you and jim?"

"great! y'know, you haven't visited us in a while, we want to know all the hot gossip!"

i laughed. "please never say that ever again."

she chuckled. "well i'll let you resume your run, visit us soon."

i nodded and continued through the neighbourhood. 

i pushed through the pain as i made my way back to my house. it was getting harder to breathe, my legs were sore, and it was a little chilly out. 

as i neared my property, i saw three teenagers walking down the sidewalk. as they got closer i realized it was johnny, his sister lauren, and his bestfriend, hayden. lauren had a leash in her hand that was connected to a small white dog. 

"mackenzie!" hayden waved me over. i ran to them and smiled. 

"hey guys." i tried to catch my breath. 

"why are you taking a run so early?" johnny questioned. 

"needed to get things off my mind." we stared at each other. 

lauren broke the silence. "hey kenzie. haven't spoke to you in a while! how are you?"

"i'm good, laur, how 'bout you?"


lauren orlando was in eleventh grade, a year younger than us. her and i were pretty close when johnny and i were friends.

"um...laur, let's leave these two, they have a project to talk about." hayden said, smirking at me. he pulled her down the road.


johnny smiled and scratched the back of his neck. "so."

"why is this awkward?" i sighed.

"we have to talk about last night."

i nodded and started to walk up to my porch. "you coming?" 

he ran up after me. we sat on the stairs.

"so...we kissed." he smirked. "i don't know about you, but i liked it."

"i liked it too." i admitted. 

"i think us flirting a fantastic way to further investigate joey's crush on you."

"he does not have a crush on me."

"oh, i know he does. so no awkwardness between us, okay?" 

i smiled. "okay. you and i being acquaintances is a lot easier than being enemies."

he smirked at me. "well i suppose i should go catch up with dumb and dumber. i'm suspicious of those two. i think they may like each other."

"hayden and laur? that would be adorable." we both stood up.

"adorable my ass. seeya kenz."

he walked down the front path and i went back inside. 

being with johnny was easy. he helped make it so much less awkward, and there is no questioning whether we like each other or not. just pure fun. 

i don't like him. i could never. but it sure was fun doing whatever this is.

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