Chapter 17: Granny Yunhi

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Granny Yunhi was sitting in front of her TV, which was now of no use, knitting. She loves knitting. She had learnt how to knit when Ayana's mother came to her life. She and Ayana's mother would stay together for hours and knit while talking. She remembers how vociferous Ayana's mother was when she talked about particular topics, specially when a topic with children was involved pops up. She still miss her, even though it's three years since she went away from their lives. She recalled how heart broken Seokjin was and how she had to take care of baby Ayana for almost a year, Seokjin had locked himself in his room. She shuddered at the thought of hearing Seokjin screaming at night. He still does, but it's very rare. She knew Sofie was like a substitute and he wasn't as much in love as he was with Ayana's mother. Sofie was a vixen, small things would blow her mind to pieces and after a hour would coalesce together, forcing all of them to endure the rampage till then. She remembers asking Seokjin why he likes Sofie, he had said many things any usual man would say until her hairstyle was mentioned, it was like his wife's.
She was not blind, she could easily see how Seokjin changed when Taehyung came. He changed her too.
She found a companion to hear her stories again. She found something achingly similar to Ayana's mother in Taehyung's behavior. He was as passionate about kids like she was. He knew how to make Ayana and herself happy in the way only she knew. She saw how sedulous Taehyung is.
She was hoping Seokjin would move on from his wife and will find something in Taehyung he would like. She knew she was being selfish, but she really like Taehyung and she knew he would be enough for her family to be cohesive.
She knew Seokjin was being ambivalent. She couldn't blame Seokjin, he had faced a lot.
She heard the doorbell ring and went to open it. As she opened, Ayana's voice was heard and she jumped into her arms. Taehyung and Seokjin chuckled. Same old Ayana!
Granny Yunhi noticed a unfamiliar face. She smiled at the young man and he smiles back. "Granny he is Jungkook. He'll be staying with us for the day." Taehyung says. She nods and introduced herself.
Taehyung was little embarrassed when Jungkook revealed his gadfly and talkative personality to granny Yunhi. She saw how Taehyung's face was red as her laughter caused by Jungkook's funny narration of how he slipped in the bathroom and had a large bulge on his butt and he had to take a day off. She smiled at him and he gives a apologetic one back.
"Taehyung-ah, help me with dinner pleased. Ayana make sure to take care of your Kookie oppa and appa, okay?" She uses her baby voice at Ayana. She nods her head happily at her grandmother.
"Sorry, my cousin is really annoying and talks a lot." Taehyung says while they were making dinner and granny asked him what was wrong. She shook her head and slaps his head slightly. Making Taehyung full on pout. "He's totally fine! He's really nice and he's very funny. I don't think he's any bad. Seokjin when he was kid would just gush words out and say anything that comes in his brain. He was very talkative. When he grew up he had grown a little more brain and stared thinking straight" granny Yunhi says with a amiable smile.
"That's a very cute side of Seokjin's. He is actually very sweet " Taehyung mumbles. Granny, of course, heard and smiles happily.

They didn't know Seokjin was behind the wall  eavesdropping at them. He was blushing because his mother just exposed his childhood personality to Taehyung and due to Taehyung's comment.

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