Chapter 7 I Think

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The snow storm finally blew itself out. It took about 3 days and Tori was stuck there. Poor her.

We played a LOT of Mario Cart. She won most of the time. Meanwhile i was thinking of how lucky i was, me Faith Anne to be in Shane and Lisa's house. So after the storm died down and the roads were cleared and Tori went back home.

I was setting on my bed, looking at the video Shane posted about me.

I skipped it and did something i wish i didn't. I read the comments.
Go kill yourself Faith.
Ugly bitch

All of these things made Fath have to choose. Razors or a phone call to her best friend Tori. Faith ran to her bathroom razors in one hand phone in the other. She got in the bathtub and dialled Tori's number.

"Faith?" She asked

Faith started to cry "I'm sorry Tori"

Faith dug the cold metal blade across her arm very deep.

"Wait Faith?? What are you saying?"

"Bye Tori." Faith sighed And hung up

She dug the razors into her skin. Deep. Faith was there sitting in the bath tub a lot of blood. A lot more than she had expected.

You can here a car pull into the driveway fast.

"Shane Lisa something up with Fa...

And then she pased out from blood loss.

Damn guys sorry such a crazy chapter. Put you first name in the comments and u might be in da story!

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