Chapter 9

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The internet was losing it's shit. My publicist thinks I should go do an interview and be honest or at least as honest following a script is. God I'm so sick of this whole thing. Trying to deal with this with Paul is hard enough let alone all of this bullshit.

"Do you think I should do it?" I said as I helped prepare breakfast. He handed me the salt. "If you want too." I put a bit of the salt into the eggs. "I don't wanna do it but I'm only considering it because it might help."

"You could just wait it out." He said as he pulled out the toast from the toaster. "But what id we come out with your song and everyone refuses to listen to it?"

"John, we haven't even recorded it yet and besides who knows if George and Ringo wanna even do it."

I grabbed my phone and opened twitter hoping maybe everything might of blown over. It sadly didn't. All the comments were saying how horrible I was or how Paul deserves better. No shit sherlock Paul deserves better. Why does everyone think it's their fucking problem to deal with?

"John? Are you looking at the comments again?" Paul said as he put the eggs and toast on plates. "Yeah, sorry."

I don't know why I kept checking it knowing it'll have the same thing. But it was burning a whole in my pocket wherever I went. Even if I didn't bring it with me I'm still constantly thinking about it. "John, nothing's gonna change by you checking."

"I know I just can't help it." I didn't feel any better checking but curiosity always got the better of me. I wish all of it would just stop! I'm so sick of it all. I wish I'd just go back to normal.

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