Chapter 3: Code Black

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When entering a hospital, you come face to face with some very strange or difficult cases but today's case was a lot more than that. A patient's wife came screaming off of the ambulance as he was wheeled off of it as well with a EMT's hand in a wound on his side. "What in the world?" I asked George who looked as confused as I was. Everyone else followed them in there leaving us to do the pit, it seemed like a while went by before the news instantly spread. Our pagers went off saying: Code Black which meant there was something dangerous in the hospital. George and I raced to find someone who could tell us what was going on, we stopped at a halt seeing Dr. Montgomery-Shepard waiting for an elevator. "Dr. Montgomery-Shepard what's going on?" George asked her. She turned around to look at us and say "go to your locker room and wait." before getting on. We ran to the locker room to find it empty, so we sat down in front of the lockers and waited. Dr. Bailey came in to inform us that is there a patient with a bomb in his chest, and that the bomb squad is coming and all we need to do it is wait it out in here. I started to cry knowing that this might me my last day at Seattle Grace. "It will be okay." George told me. "It's probably stupid to cry over something like this but I'm scared." I replied. "No it's not stupid at all, I'm scared too." He replied back. "I want to tell you something before anything happens." I turned to him. "What is it?" He asked me. "Ever since I saw you looking at me, I developed a crush on you." I told him. "I have too, I think your beautiful, smart and have the best smile." He replied. "You wouldn't want to be with someone like me though, I'm damaged." I replied. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "I did want to get out from where I lived but the reason was that I was in a really bad relationship that ended up with me bruised and scared for my life." I told him. "I was so scared to even leave, but it so worse I had to." The look on his face made me sad, it was a shocked but sad look. "That's why I took this program to not only fulfill my career but get away." I continued. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, I would never do anything like that go hurt you. You deserve so much more." He told me brushing a hair out of my face. "I haven't been in a relationship since, I'm too scared to be." I told him. "I promise nothing like that would happen, I am going to protect you at all costs." He smiled at me. "I do really like you." I said to him. "I really do like you too." He said back. "I don't want my secret getting out to anyone else yet." I said to him. "It won't, your secrets safe with me." He replied taking my pinky in his. Since we would be stuck in there awhile we got to know each other a lot more, talking and laughing until our sides hurt. George looked at me smiling and moved a hair out of my face moving closer to me. I looked into his big green eyes and felt our lips draw closer and closer until they finally met. The kiss left me so speechless, he broke off the kiss smiling from ear to ear. "Wow." I gasped. "I know, so how about we go on a date say Joes 8:00 Friday?" He asked me. "Sounds good." I replied as he grabbed my hand. The intercom came on saying "code black was over." We both looked at each other sighing and laughing as we got up heading out the door still holding hands. We found Izzie, Christina, Meredith and Alex all standing at the nurses station waiting for an attendee to come and give us instructions. When they saw us come up holding hands, they all looked shocked at first but then starting smiling. "What's this" Christina asked nodding towards our hands. "We are officially a couple." George told them grinning. "Yeah we have a date on Friday." I replied. "Oh my gosh!" Izzie gasped. "All right man!" Alex replied giving him a high five. "Yay another relationship." Meredith said giggling. Bailey came up to us looking like she's ready to order people around but her look changed when she saw George and I holding hands. "O'Malley and Karev your in pit, Smith go with Yang, Stevens and Grey." She told us. George turned to me before leaving and gave me a quick hug. "So I'll see you later." He said to me. "Yes I look forward to it." I replied smiling. He leaned in to give me a kiss before heading to pit. I giggled as he walked away turning to the girls. "Oh girl you got it bad." Christina teased. We went to do our rounds and finish the long scary work day.

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