Chapter 12: Recovery Road

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George's recovery was a slow process, but everything seemed to look good. He came out of consciousness a couple days later with no sign of his memory being tampered with. I stayed in the room with him but also took turns between Izzie, Meredith, Cristina and even Lexi. "Have you decided when to tell him?" Izzie asked me one morning in the locker room. "No I haven't, I wanted to wait until he was fully okay just you know in case his reaction causes his heart monitor to go up." I replied. "He seems a lot better, back to his talkative self." She said to me. "I would tell him soon though, your starting to get a small bump." Cristina told me eyeing my bare belly. She was right, a small bump had formed with what seemed over night but it didn't just over time. "I plan on telling him today." I replied. "Good." Cristina replied. I got dressed and headed to George's room to see how he was doing. He was sitting up in bed watching tv but when he saw me walk in he smiled from ear to ear. "Hey beautiful." He said patting the bed next to him. I walked over and sat on the bed trying to get the courage to some how blurt it out. "Is everything okay?" He asked me pushing a hair off my forehead. "Yeah I have been trying to get the nerve to tell you something, as soon as I found out I rushed to tell you but then you came in injured and I decided to wait." I told him. "Okay what is it?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes and pulled out the test I wrapped up for him to open and handed it to him. He had a confused look on his face but took it anyways and started to unwrap it revealing the positive test. It took him a few minutes to process what he had but once he realized a huge smile broke over his face. "Are you serious?" He asked me. "Yes." I replied smiling. "I can't believe it." He replied. "Me either, we were so careful." I said. "I know but I guess one slipped." He replied. "Funny Izzie said the same thing." I said. "Have you seen Dr. Fields yet?" He asked me. "No I wanted to wait until I told you and your recovery." I replied. "Well I'm okay now, excited for our little one." He said putting his hand on my stomach. When rounds were started I excused myself to find Dr. Fields on the labor floor. I found her in her office working on papers from all the appointments and births that happened. She looked up when she saw me standing in the doorway. "Ah Taylor right?" She asked. "Yes that's me." I replied. She motioned me in and I shut the door behind me, going to sit in a seat in front of her desk. "Izzie told me about the baby and George." She told me. "Yeah I wanted to wait until he was okay and recovered before I told him and got an appointment." I replied. "Well that's understandable." She replied back. She got a file out and started asking me the normal questions every doctor asks making notes as she goes. She set me up with an ultrasound earlier in the day, and wished me good luck. I went to tell George the news and found he had the company of his mom. "Oh Taylor it's good to see you!" Louise gasped getting up to hug me. "You too Louise." I nodded my head at her. "I didn't want to tell her the news yet until you were here." George told me. "What news?" Louise asked curiously. I walked over to the bed and grabbed onto George's hand as we told them the news. "Taylor's pregnant." George said. "Oh I'm gong to be a grandma!" Louise gasped coming over to hug us. "We both were in shock but are so excited" I told her. "I actually have an ultrasound later, and was hoping George and now Louise can go." I told them. "Of course lets see what Georgie's doctors say." She replied. Dr. Bailey looked over his charts an okayed for him to be wheeled to the ultrasound. There in the ultrasound we got to see our little baby wiggling around on the screen, and hearing the strong heartbeat. I looked over at George in his wheelchair smiling at the screen teary eyed, the same for Louise. George looked over at me smiling, and squeezing my hand. "It all seems so real now." He said to me. "I know, now it's official we are parents." I replied back. We got pictures of the baby to show everyone and headed back downstairs so George could take a nap. I found Meredith, Izzie and Cristina to show them the ultrasound photos and boy were they excited!

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