Chapter 2

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Su Su had found a spare bedroom at the back end of the house. It was a lot smaller than the bedroom just now. Su Su had volunteered to sleep here from now on. But Yan Zhi protested, it was her home, to begin with. 

They spent a week living together, under the same roof. She had found out Su Su can't cook to save her life. Yan Zhi thankfully had picked up cooking as a hobby during the spare time of her immortal life. 

That morning, they had a simple breakfast with porridge and pickled vegetables. They chatted with each other as if they were old friends. Yan Zhi pondered to tell her about her origin. She scared that once she knew that she would be frightened. Yet again when Yan Zhi craved the stone with magic that night, Su Su didn't even flinch. 

"I'm going to show you something, " Su Su said as she cleared up the cutlery on the table, "Please don't freak out, "

Yan Zhi nodded, curious about what she wanted to show her. From the kitchen, Su Su brought out her basket. She placed it on her table next to a plate of raw meat. 

Carefully, Su Su lift up the cloth covering it. She spoke into the basket in a gentle voice, "We have a guest here, so promise me that you'll be nice, "

Then she pulled out something long and black in color. It was curled up in a bundle until Su Su gently nudged it. It lifted it up and stared at her. Su Su gently stroke it's head. 

The scale was as black as midnight, glistening in the sunlight like oil on water. Yan Zhi froze as she stared at the horns protruding on top of its head. 
Little blank snake, Su Su had called it. 

Yan Zhi knew better. As it turned its attention to Yan Zhi, it's beady dark eyes glared at her. This was no snake, it was a dragon. A dragon from the Celestial tribe.


After he was injured battling The Golden Lion Beast, he found himself unable to transform back to his human form. And then he was picked up by a strange woman. Unable to protest, Ye Hua remained in his shrunken form as the woman took care of him. 

She fed him, bathed him and cleaned his wounds. Although she made things worse for him, her intention was pure.
Ye Hua couldn't find himself leaving her behind. 

He created an illusion of his snake form and leave it on the mortal realm with her. She thought her pet snake was asleep, instead, he went back to heaven and made his report to the heavenly lord. 

When Ye Hua finally mustered enough time to return to her. He had found himself being introduced to her new friend. 

"Little black snake," she cooed at him, "This is my recently sworn sister, Yan Zhi. Say hello, "

Yan Zhi didn't know whether to greet him properly with a bow or not. His beady little eyes glared at her, daring her to say a thing. 

Yan Zhi just nodded at the snake. He ignored her and turned his attention back to Su Su. 


Su Su stroke her fingers across the snake's head. He leaned into her fingers, relishing in her gentle touch. 
How in the world that Su Su managed to keep a dragon as a pet. Yan Zhi had no idea. 

Yan Zhi had met plenty of celestial in the rebellion. She hadn't seen one in their dragon form before. She had no idea who the little dragon truly is and the reason he was here. 

Su Su giggled as she explained how she found the snake injured in a cave and nursed it back to health. It had been sleeping for the past few days. She was excited to show it to her once, it was awake. She praised it to be the smartest pet she ever had. 

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