Chapter 1

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"What a crowd!" Leigh Anne sighed as she collapsed in a heap onto the ready-made hotel bed.
"Tell me about it!" Perrie giggled as she trudged into the bathroom to wash.
The girls had just performed at one of Japan's major festivals: Summer Sonic, and after a 9 hour flight the day before, as well, all four of them were completely shattered. Jade started removing her makeup, when she sensed someone looking at her. As she looked up, she saw Jesy stood a meter in front of her, hand on hip, looking straight at Jade.
"Can I help you?" Jade joked as she raised an eyebrow.
"oh's just..." Jesy began
"what?" Jade giggled sweetly
"you're so cute Jade!" Perrie smiled and tilted her head slightly as she gazed at Jade.
"why is everyone being so weird?!" Jades cute, yet extremely strong accent made Perrie feel so happy. She LOVED the sound of Jades voice. It was so adorable, so sweet and innocent... it was a lot like hers, except cuter.
"Seriously! First Jesy looks at me funny, now Perrie suddenly tells me I'm cute?..." Jade smirked slightly, confused...
"all I was going to say is that you looked so fiesta today when we performed Salute... and it's so funny how you switch from innocent to fiery, just like that!" Jesy said as she clicked her fingers. The whole time, Perrie was gazing at Jades eyes... her gorgeous, deep brown eyes... the eyes that twinkled when the sun shone... the eyes that glistened when the stars were out... the eyes that never left Perrie as she danced about the stage that day....
There was a silence there and then...
not an awkward silence, but a beautiful one, Jade thought.

"Guyyyssss?" Leigh Anne groaned as she broke the silence "can we sleep yet PLEEEAAASSEEE?" she was still lay flat out on the soft white bed, with her coat and shoes still on.
" yeah I was just about to take a shower. you guys can sleep if you want... I'm... um... not that tired yet." Perrie mumbled as she slipped into the bathroom and turned on the water.
"I'll sleep in the double bed with Perrie tonight then" Jesy snapped.
"oh. um... ok then. I'll go with Leelee" Jade said, slightly shaken by the way Jesy had reacted... Jade desperately wanted to sleep in the same bed as Perrie tonight, for some reason... normally she wouldn't care who she was with... but today, just seemed different...

Jade snuggled into her Minnie Mouse pyjamas as Leigh put on her long top and tartan pyjama bottoms. Both of them got into bed and Leigh fell straight to sleep, but Jade, however, didn't. She wouldn't... she couldn't. Jade didn't know why, but she just couldn't.
Jesy was already under the duvet in the opposite bed by this time. Perrie STILL hadn't come out of the shower, but Jade didn't mind, because she could hear Perrie singing to herself as the water ran. Jade got out of bed and went over to the bathroom door and put her ear to it. She sat by the door for a while, 2, maybe 3 minutes, just listening to the beautiful sound of Perrie's voice... It sent shivers down Jade's spine whenever Perrie held a high note, and it made her feel warm inside. It was a strange feeling, like she'd never had before, not just a happy feeling... not a feeling you get when you're with your friends... not the feeling Jade got when she sang, no. Nothing like any of them... more of a feeling you get...
when you are in love...

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