Chapter 3

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The next morning, Jade awoke to a strange noise coming from the bathroom. As she slowly opened her sleepy eyes, she noticed it was quite light outside, and neither Perrie OR Jesy were in the double bed next to her... Alarmed, Jade instantly leapt out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, where the door was closed, and locked. Jade stood there for a minute, her ear pressed against the door. She heard nothing... were they even in there? Had Jade just been hearing things? Or had she still been half-asleep?
At that very moment, the door opened, and Jade tripped as she had been leaning on the door, and tumbled to the floor. Perrie stormed past her, tears rolling down her face.
"PERRIE?!" Jade instantly stood up and ran over to her. Perrie flopped onto hers and Jesy's bed, faced down with her head in the pillow. Jade sat by her and shook her lightly "PERRIE?! What's going on?! Perrie?!" PERRIE stayed silent, with only a faint noise of sobbing into the pillow. It was only then that Jade noticed that Perrie was no longer wearing her spotty pyjamas, but instead, she was wrapped just some of Jesy's tight, revealing pyjama shorts and a hoodie, that was a little long for Perrie, so Jade assumed that was Jesy's too, as Jesy was quite a bit taller than Perrie.
"Please don't ignore me baba! What is wrong with you?! You're never like this and I... I hate seeing you... like this..." Jade's eyes began to fill up with tears. Perrie just continued quietly sobbing.
"P..P...Perrie...? You can't .... can't be like this... Please don't ignore me... Perrie?" The salty teardrops began streaming down Jade's face.
As Jade went to lie down in Jesy's spot, beside Perrie, she heard footsteps coming towards them. She looked up. Jesy. Jade shot up and ran over to Jesy and hugged her tightly as she looked up at her. "W...What's happened..?" Jade said through sniffling. Jesy looked down at Jade's scared and upset little face... Nevermind Perrie, JADE was never like this EITHER!
"P...Perrie was sick in the toilet... several times... very badly..." Jesy said as she put her arm around Jade, but Jade pulled away
"Tell me the truth, Jesy." She said with anger as she wiped the tears from her face... not only was Perrie wearing Jesy's clothes, Jesy was only wearing a tank top and her short pyjama shorts!
"what? Jade that's the truth!" but Jade was still not convinced.
"Jesy!" Jade stamped her foot, as she yelled a little too loud, waking poor Leigh Anne up.
"w..what's happening..??" Leigh stretched and yawned as she turned to look at the two angry girls stood face to face in the middle of the room.
"Jesy?! what are you WEARING? did you sleep in that?! " Leigh asked
"Leeeeeee!!! Of course I didn't! I...I was just getting changed and then Perrie was sick and... yeah I was... only half changed..." Jesy smiled, but Jade caught Jesy winking at Leigh Anne!
"WHAT?" Jade growled "I KNEW you were lying to me! And Leigh knows the truth because you just winked at her... So now is EVERYONE LYING TO ME?!" Jade began crying again, but not with fear, with anger. Why would the girls keep something from her?! What could be so secret?!
"I didn't WINK AT LEIGH!" Jesy boomed
"but Jesy... YOU ARE! AND YOU LEIGH ANNE!" Jade felt bad after saying that... as Leigh hadn't really been involved...all she had done was ask what was going on... and then Jesy winked at her...

But the anger burned inside of Jade. She wanted to scream. She had to scream. She needed to scream. She needed to scream so loud that she'd wake the whole hotel up. She HAD to...

So she did.

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