Chapter 8

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When Jade rubbed her eyes and sat up straight again, she saw a blurred figure come through the double doors. The tall, lean man was dressed in a white lab-like coat and wore a silver stethoscope around his neck, which hung below his chest. He wore big, bug eyed glasses, which were circular and the rim was black. His hair was a deep brown colour and was very short. He stood in front of the double doors, breathing heavily for a few moments, before trudging towards the girls.

Jesy had woken Leigh and Jade up from their little 5-minutes snooze when she saw the man coming down the hallway. That man wasn't just any man, he was the doctor. The one that called the girls 'visitors' earlier. Suddenly, all the truth came back and hit Jade. She remembered what had really happened...but the worst...
was yet to come...

"g..girls..." the tall man murmured. The 3 girls just sat in their worn down, plastic seats, wide-eyed and intrigued to know what the doctor-man was going to say next.
But when they heard it, they wished he'd never told them.

It was something that never had even crossed any of their minds.

Something that they didn't even have hidden in the back of their minds.

oh no...

it was totally unexpected.

Perrie was in a coma.

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