Chapter 6

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The two girls stood in silence for a while, both breathing heavily and staring at each other. Jade gave a horrified and upset stare...but Jesy looked worried.
After about a minute, Jesy moved her mouth slightly, as if she was preparing to say something...but nothing came out. Instead, the silence continued.

"What... do you want...?" Jade whispered as her bottom lip trembled
"Perrie... isn't ok... she's.." Jesy began
"SHE ISN'T OK? AND SHE EXPECTS ME TO CARE?! SHE EXPECTS ME TO COME RUNNING BACK TO HER AND GIVE HER A HUG AND APOLOGISE?! well tell her to go fuck off. I don't give two shits about her anymore" Jade shoved past Jesy as she stormed out of the bathroom. "Jade! Its not that!!" Jesy burst out of the room after her.
She ran across the hotel lobby, yelling Jade's name, but Jade kept picking up her pace, trying to get away from Jesy.
"PERRIE'S PASSED OUT!" Jesy stopped and shouted, trying to get Jade's attention. Jade stopped. She slowly turned around. "W...what...?"
"Perrie...has passed out..." Jesy began to cry
"WHAT?! move out my way!" Jade shoved Jesy out of her path as she raced to the lifts.
When she reached the lifts, she oressed the button. 1 minute passed. No. Jade had to get to Perrie quick. Still, she waited. The lift hadn't come evern after 2 minutes. She couldn't wait any longer, so instead, she located the emergency exit (where the stairs were) and pushed open the emergency doors. She sprinted faster than ever up the 7 flights of stairs. Jade was no athlete, but in the small amount of time that it took her to reach the right floor, she sure felt like she was in the olympics.
She pushed through to doors and ran out into the corridor. Jade had to stop and look around for a moment before choosing the right corridor to go down. She looked both ways and remembered the room number:- 724. She took the left corridor and charged down to the door as fast as her legs could carry her.

When Jade reached the door, she hesitated a moment before barging in.
"Perrie?!" Jade yelled as she ran in "PERRIE!" she called when she saw the gorgeous pale girl lay on Perrie and Jesy's bed. She was breathing, but only very lightly. She was flopped on Jesy's side of the bed, in exactly the same place as she was when the arguement had happened an hour before. Her hair was flung above her head on the pillow that LeighAnne had put there for support. Leigh was sat by the side of Perrie, crossed legged on the bed as she rubbed Perrie's back gently. Leigh stood up when she saw Jade.
Jade perched on the edge of the bed where Leigh had just been sat.
"her breathing is too light!" She panicked
"I know! I'll call an ambulance!" Leigh said as she pulled her iPhone out of her pocket, and with shaking hands, she dialled the number. "Hello" There was a slight pause before Leigh continued to speak. "Ambulance...Our friend...She passed out...Yes but only lightly...I don't know...She just collapsed on the bed...No medication, no... great thanks so much." Leigh took the phone from her ear and sighed. "They're coming."

Jade gazed down upon Perrie's face, which was getting paler and paler by the minute. Perrie's breathing was getting out of time. Jade put her shaking hand near Perrie's lips, which were now blue and ice-cold. The breathing began to slow. "LEIGH!"
"What Jade?!"
"WHAT?! NO JADE!!!" Leigh's eyes began to stream with tears. She knelt down beside Perrie's face and put her hand near Perrie's mouth. "you're right...Oh MY GOD WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING!"
"oh for fucks sake!! COME ON PEZ!"
Jade shivered and cried her eyes out.
"NO! she can't... NO!!!"

Jade looked at Perrie's face again. The girl that she loved, that had kept a valuable secret from her for weeks... months, the girl that she had fallen deeply and madly in love with only the day before, the girl that she never wanted to talk to again, the girl she never wanted to forgive, the girl that had just passed out and now wasn't breathing...
Jade forgave her.
Jade still loved her.

Jade heard sirens nearing the hotel. She jumped up off the bed and ruffled her hand through Perrie's gorgeous locks and ran her hands down Perrie's ice cold face, now pale as ever.

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