Chapter 2

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As Jade climbed into the soft bouncy bed, she heard the door of the bathroom slam open, and then Perrie's voice. She wasn't singing anymore, she just mumbled to herself. Jade lay in the bed, as her eyes followed Perrie around the large but messy hotel room.
Perrie went from corner to corner in search of her pyjamas, as Jade watched her lovingly.
'Perrie..?' Jade sighed
'What Jadey?' Perrie stopped and turned round to find Jade was holding her pink, spotty pyjamas. 'JEED!' Perrie laughed, still clinging onto the towel that was wrapped around her, her soft hair gripped up in a bun on top of her head. 'You little devil!' Perrie giggled as she tried to snatch the pyjamas out of Jades hand, but Jade moved. 'JEED STOP MESSING!' She laughed 'GIVE ME THEM!'
Jade liked the fact that Perrie was playing along with her. As much as she loved Jesy, if it WERE Jesy, she would have got annoyed by now. Same with Leigh. But Perrie joined in on the fun, and Jade liked that. She also loved Perrie's laugh. She loved when she laughed at Jade. She loved everything. Literally Everything.

When Perrie had finally snatched her pyjamas back, and all the girls were snuggled up in bed, Jesy got up to turn the lights out. 'Nanite lovelies!' Jesy called as she flicked the switch 'Nanite' Jade mumbled back. 'Nanite Perrie' Jade giggled 'and Leigh!'
'Nanite little monkey!' Perrie laughed quietly
'Nanite all' Leigh said, before she fell straight to sleep.
But Jade couldn't sleep... she couldn't stop thinking about Perrie... she didn't know why... why had she never thought about Perrie like this before? why was she thinking about Perrie like this NOW? Why out of any day was it today? Why? But soon after, Jade fell asleep too.

It must have been about 3 hours later, at 1 o'clock, when Jade woke up again. As her eyes adapted to the light... the light? what?! it was still the night?!
Jade glanced over to her left, to find Perrie's face was lit up by the bright light of her iPhone in the next bed. 'Perrie?' Jade whispered as she squinted her eyes.
'Jeedy? Is that you?' Perrie took her phone away from her face and glanced over at Jade through the dark 'Why are you awake?!'
'Why are YOU awake?!' Jade questioned
'um... a sort of... bad dream I guess..'
Perrie mumbled, not so convincingly.
'oh... well... what about?'
' I don't want to say...' Jade's face dropped. Why didn't she want to say?
'why..?' Jade's lip trembled, but she was determined not to cry. why would she? what a stupid thing to do! she couldn't CRY at the fact that Perrie wasn't telling her a bad dream?!
'oh.. I'll tell you in the morning then Jeed. OK? I'm going back to sleep now... so... just go back to sleep too'
'I will.' Jade held in her tears 'Nanite Pez. Love you.'
'I love you too Jeedy'
Just the fact that Perrie said "Jadey" made Jade shiver, but when she said "I love you"... well... it was just something else...

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