Chapter 12

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Meanwhile, Jade was walking down the cold, plain corridor, following the doctor who led her into a white, spotless room. Jade stood speechless in the doorway for a moment, as she gazed down at this almost lifeless, yet still gorgeous woman.
After a moment, Jade took a chair from the side and placed it gently beside the bed where Perrie lay. She sat down on it, making the chair make a small squeak as she did. Jade found Perrie's ice-cold hand from under the white, thin sheet and placed it on top of the sheet. Jade wrapped her small, tan fingers around the blondes hand, holding it tightly as though she would never let go. The sound of the heart rate monitor bleeped in the background as Jade pushed Perrie's fringe behind her ear, keeping it out of her face. "Hey baby" Jade whispered softly "how are you?" Even though it was blankly obvious Perrie wasn't going to reply, it made Jade feel a whole lot better knowing she could talk to Perrie, even if Perrie couldn't hear her. Jade wrapped her dainty fingers tighter round Perrie's soft hand. "You're going to be just fine" Jade smiled hopefully. She didn't know if that was the truth, but if there was anything she could do to make sure this amazing girl was ok right now, she would. The two sat there in silence for a moment, as Jade pondered thoughts. "So... Jesy's ok..." Jade said reluctantly, even though she knew Perrie loved Jesy... Even if Jade didn't want her to.
"She... She's very upset..." A salty droplet ran down Jade's soft cheek and dropped from her chin onto the silky bed covers which Perrie was lay on. "you can battle baby. I know you can"
Jade's eyes welled up with water, but she held it back. "come on Perrie... Do it for me... and Jesy. And Leigh." And the room fell silent once more, Apart from the beeping sound of the heart rate monitor in the corner. But soon, that began to slow. Perrie's short breaths occurred only several times a minute now. The Nurses rushed towards Perrie. "whats happening?!" Jade yelped. "Please someone tell me?!" Jade cried with tears streaming down her face. One Nurse came behind Jade and lifted her up and pulled her away. Then The doctor rushed over to Perrie. Two more nurses Grabbed Jade by the shoulders and yanked her towards the door. Jade cried out. "WHATS GOING ON?!" she cried
The nurses shoved the helpless girl out the door and locked it. Jade smashed her fists on the door, Yelling and screaming. "LET ME IN!" She cried as she sunk to her knees, fists still crashing against the wooden door. Her face went bright red as she yelled as loud as she could. She smashed her red fists rapidly against the door. Again, and Again, and again. "PERRIE!" Her fists ached and stung as she smashed harder against the door. Jade continued yelling Perrie's name at the top of her voice, before slowly decreasing the strength of her punches. She slowly sunk down to the ground.
She stopped punching.
She stopped screaming.
She stopped hoping.
She stopped believing that everything was going to be ok.

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