Chapter 17

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"Pardon me..." Dr Johnson poked his head in. "I don't mean to ruin your... little moment..." The girls all stopped giggling and glared at Dr Johnson. "But have you noticed your 4th member?" Jesy quickly swung her head round...
To her astonishment, Perrie was fidgeting slightly. All three girls paused with open mouthed, hoping for another sign from the blonde that lay on the cloud-white bed. Still, she just fidgeted in her spot for a moment.
"" Jesy touched Perrie's pale arm softly.
Perrie's eyelids budged slightly... They slowly began to flicker a little.
"Leigh, Jade! Look!" Jesy pulled on their sleeves and pointed to Perrie's eyes.
"Yes Jesy! I know!" LeighAnne laughed
"She's coming round!" Jade clapped
Perrie's fingers clenched into a fist as she stretched her arms upwards like she did in the morning when Jesy used to wake her up early...
She breathed in heavily and then breathed out, as if she was sighing.
Then, her eyes... softly flickered open.
Her vision remained blurry for a moment or two, but as she blinked, it became more clear to her.
"Perrie?! PERRIE?!" Jesy stood up and clung onto Perrie's soft, little wrist.
"Jesy!" Perrie flung her arms out and Jesy leaned in, squeezing the blonde so tightly, she could have exploded at any moment. Perrie remained lay down, as she ached all over. In fact, as Jesy squeezed her, she felt strong rushes of pain fill her body, but she didn't mind one bit, for she had been reunited with her one love. As she hugged Jesy, Perrie's eyes scanned around the room. Her eyes fell onto Jade. She slowly let go of Jesy.
"Jade?" Perrie whispered, squinting her eyes "but you hate me..."
"No, Perrie. I hatED you. And I don't understand why... but what does that even matter?!" Jade yelped as she leapt towards Perrie and wrapped her arms round her. They held tight for around 2 minutes, resting their heads on each others shoulders. Both their eyes were tightly shut, and a tiny drop of water began trickling out of Jade's left eye.
Once they pulled away, Leigh Anne went over and gave Perrie the most warm and snuggly hug ever...
"Leigh... its all my fault..." Perrie whispered as she wept quietly on Leigh's warm shoulder.
Leigh hushed her immediately. "Perrie! No! What are you even talking about?! Perrie please don't! Its all sorted, Ok? Don't ever remember what happened between these two" Leigh smiled, glancing over at the other two, who were also hugging. "everything was sorted... ok? and Perrie?"
"You still look beautiful, even when you're close to death!"
Perrie laughed and Leigh let go.
"guess what else Pez?!" Jesy said in a flirtatious way as she wiggled her eyebrows.
"What Jes?!" Perrie slowly pulled herself up, so she was now sat up in the bed.
"I caught these two!"
"WHAT?!" Perrie sounded shocked
"getting off" Jesy wiggled her eyebrows as Jade grabbed onto Leigh Anne's hand and their fingers intertwined.
Perrie noticed this and reached out for Jesy's hand.
"thats... just perfect." Perrie sighed
"thats not all!" Jesy said pushing her hand into Perrie's hand.
"what now Jesminda?"
"WE had onion rings crisps WITHOUT YOU!"
Perrie smirked and smiled at Jesy.
"You little...." Perrie began
"wow... calm it! see... we got you a pack too! Jesy said, pulling a huge green packet from her bag. Perrie clapped her hands with joy.
"Now if you could all leave while I eat..." Perrie said in a funny voice
Leigh giggled.
So did Jade.
Then Jesy joined in.
Even Perrie laughed...
"first time i've heard you laugh in a while!" Jade winked at Perrie
"i'm only laughing because i'm so happy"

And in that moment, NOTHING could have bought them down💗

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