Chapter 11

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A worried and shaken Leigh followed the doctor reluctantly back to the waiting room, where Jesy and Jade sat a seat apart, awkwardly gazing around the room, avoiding eye contact.
As Leigh pushed through the heavy wooden door back into the waiting room, Jade heard the door go and shot up immediately. Jesy turned her head also. Leigh Anne smiled, mainly aiming her grin at Jade as she looked in her direction, and Jade smiled back.
"wha.." Jade began, but Leigh hushed
"shh" Leigh put a finger to Jade's lips "she's fine. you go" She spoke quickly.
Jade wanted to glance back at Jesy to be reassured, but didn't want to at the same time. Instead she just made a gesture to Leigh, pointing with her head slightly at Jesy while miming her name. Leigh Anne soon understood and looked at Jesy, who was glaring blankly at the two.
"umm... Jade.. first?" Leigh mumbled
"sure" Jesy snuffed
Leigh turned back to Jade. "yeah?" She said rubbing Jade's back gently.
"yeah" Jade replied, wrapping her arms round Leigh Anne's neck and embracing her. "Thank You" she whispered. "For what?" Leigh replied
"everything" Jade sighed, before unwrapping her arms and walking towards to door without looking back, leaving Leigh standing silently, awkwardly, in the silent room, which was filled with only the sound of Jesy and Leigh breathing lightly. Leigh Anne stood for a moment, contemplating, before turning round and taking the seat beside Jesy.
"can we... talk about this?" Jesy asked
"sure... but... I think you should talk to Ja..."
"No. You. You listen to me. No one else does. Not even Perrie. She loves Jade. Always has done."
"bullshit" Leigh huffed
"seriously... Have you just seen the way they act around each other?! Twizzling and fiddling with their hair, making sure their makeup is right... have you not even noticed?!"
Leigh wasn't about to lie: "well, maybe... but that doesn't mean anything..."
"but Leigh, it does!" Jesy snuffled as tears welled up in her eyes "it does!"
"Jesy, come on babe! Perrie's going out with you for a reason!"
"Yeah, so she can hide her love for Jade"
Leigh didn't want to admit it, but she sort of agreed.
"Jesy... I... Jade is the best person to talk to right now about this. Please don't jump to conclusions without understanding whats going on..." Leigh Anne wrapped one of her arms round Jesys shoulders and pulled her close. Jesy rested her head on Leigh Anne's shoulder and Leigh used her other hand to twirl Jesy's red locks round her finger. "Lets just think about Perrie right now. The fact that Perrie's... That Perrie' A..And so are we... a...and... and...and... You're beautiful"
"what?" Jesy stopped her tears for a moment as she looked up, confused, at Leigh.
"I said you're beautiful." Leigh smiled with one side of her mouth.
"Says you" Jesy giggled cutely
"Don't give me that!" Leigh chuckled, nudging Jesy's shoulder against hers slightly.
"Hey!" Jesy Nudged back, and before long, they two were laughing and nudging as if they were having a girly sleepover. Pretending everything was perfect, and there, in that moment. it was.

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