Chapter 9

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Over 10 minutes later, and Jade was still hiding her face in Leighs hair, weeping desperately onto her shoulder, while Leigh Anne yelped and cried into Jade's luscious brown hair. Jesy had rushed into the toilet minutes before to deal with the pain alone, and the doctor had already disappeared back down the hallway.
There was still only one thing going through both Jade and Leigh's minds at that time: what now?
travelling back to the UK?!?!
how would Perrie's mum and brother get over?!! Who would let them know in the first place?!
Leigh Anne saw that as her responsibility.
Se tugged her phone out of her pocket, as Jade reluctantly moved her head out of the way. Leigh sobbed as she typed the heartbreaking texts, letting Debbie and Johnny know what had happened.
Before she could finish the text, the tall, lean man burst through the double doors again.
"...visitors..." he said briefly
"w...what..?" Jade trembled
"one at... at a... time..."
Jade and Leigh Anne looked at each other. Jesy was still in the toilets. Leigh nodded her head at Jade, signalling her to go, but Jade refused, for Leigh Anne had been there for her that day, when no one else had been.
"you." Jade snapped
"b..but.." Leigh began, but Jade butted in: "You. Go." Then both girls collapsed back onto each others shoulders.
"she'll be fine, you know?" Leigh reassuringly whispered into Jade's ear, even though neither of them were sure.
"well" Jade began as she pulled away from Leigh, allowing her to stand up and brush herself down quickly before she turned and looked at Jade. "you... you better go..." streams of water came tumbling from Jade's eyes once again, but she immediately wiped them away with her already soggy sleeve. Leigh nodded and tried her best to smile at Jade, before turning back round and walking steadily to the double doors.
The double doors of doom.
Those double doors.

Without hesitating any more, Leigh Anne barged through the one door and Jade heard her speed-walking down the empty corridor, as her boots clip-clopped as they hit the ground.

About a minute after Leigh had disappeared, the creak of the toilet door sounded. Jade turned her head towards it to see Jesy walking out, looking down as she walked, holding a bundle of tissue. Around her eyes were red and her cheeks had stained streaks of black down them where her mascara had run. Aside all of that, Jesy still looked gorgeous. Stunnning. Perfect.
Instead of taking the seat 1 away from Jade, Jesy sat down on the seat next to Jade, and looked around like a meerkat when she noticed the loss of Leigh.
"she went." Jade trembled, still gazing down at her feet as she tapped her toes together in her brown boots.
"to see her."
Jesy didn't quite believe Jade.
"" Jesy looked up at Jade.
"The doctor just said. Leigh went first"
"but... can we all see... her?"
"i guess so." Jade was not in the mood for talking, at all. She decided to keep the conversation as short as she possibly could, but Jesy had other plans. " about this..." she said
"no." Jade snapped back immediately
"but Ja" Jade cut her off "NO." The creaky waiting room fell silent again, as the two girls both looked down.

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