Chapter 14

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The automatic doors slid open as Jade perked up to see Leigh and Jesy coming in, carrying a bag of shopping each. Jade rushed over to Leigh and grabbed her by the shoulders suddenly, causing Leigh to drop the bag. Jesy leant down and picked it up. Leigh tried to shake Jade off, but Jade's grip was tight.
"Perrie!" Jade yelped
"what about her?!" Leigh perked up as she heard Perrie's name... maybe Jade had news!
"whats wrong with her?!" Jade had an extremely worried look across her face.
Leigh stood silently, looking into Jade's eyes sorrowfully. Jade's breathing picked up and her clutch on Leigh's shoulders began to loosen.
"I..." Leigh began, as a sharp stab went through her heart "I don't know..."
Jade eyes filled with salty teardrops.
"you... you have to know!"
"I don't Jade..." Tears rolled down both of their faces.
"I need to know..." Jade wept softly. As she gazed around the room for someone to ask, her eyes scanned over Jesy, who was sat with her head rested in her hands in the seating area, on the seat furthest away from the other two girls, The shopping was dumped heartlessly by her feet and food had spilled out. "J...Jesy" Jade slowly stepped over towards her. "are... you.."
"Jade." Jesy butted in "come here"
Before slowly dragging her feet over to Jesy, Jade glanced behind her at Leigh with a confused and worried look. Leigh shrugged.
Jade went and took a seat by Jesy. She slowly put her arm round Jesy and held her closer.
"Oh Jade..." Jesy wept "what now!?!"
"Jesy... chill down baby..."
"I can't!! My girlfriend is lay on her deathbed and I can't do ANYTHING! This is MY fault, and I'm just sat here, crying!" Jesy yelped, stamping her foot several times.
"Jesy! It's not your fault! Its MINE if anything!" Jade held back her tears, trying to stay strong for Jesy. They both went silent for a moment.
"I'm so so so so SO sorry Jade."
"for what?! Loving Perrie?"
"No... for lying to you."
"oh Jesy...." Jade did cry then...
"Jade, I know you love her and..." Jesy began but Jade pushed a finger to Jesy's lips and hushed her.
"No Jesy. You and Perrie are clearly meant to be. I'm never going to try and separate you two again. Ok? Now wipe your tears baby, your make ups smudging!" Jade smiled a little and Jesy lifted her head up and looked at Jade. She smiled back. Then, Jesy flung her arms round Jade's neck and held onto her tightly. Jade hugged back, as she rested her head on Jesy's warm shoulder. "Now head up princess!" Jade pulled away "Your tiara's falling!"
Jesy giggled and Leigh came and sat on the other side of Jade.
They sat and talked a while... ate a few snacks... giggled... had fun like they used to... pretended it was ok.

Until the double doors swung open yet again.

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