Chapter 10

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The white, fresh room fell silent as Leigh pushed through the door.
There she lay.
Head rested on a silky white pillow.
Her hair scuffed up.
Her eyes closed gently shut.
Her hands on top if one another, placed on her tummy.
She was dressed in the large hoodie and shorts from earlier, except the thin sheet covered most of her legs, up to the middle of her thigh.
Her mouth and nose were covered by a plastic thing, which was strapped round her head. Attached to it was a tube, leading to a large machine in the corner - the breathing support system.
Leigh stood in the doorway for a while, letting the door slowly push itself shut behind her. She stood frozen in her tracks, gazing upon this beautiful girl that was now battling for breath. After a few moments, she walked round to the side of the cold bed. There she knelt beside the blonde girl.
'Hiya Perrie... its me... Leigh...' she whispered into her ice-cold ear, slowly, so that if Perrie could hear, she had time to process the words, and maybe even be able to understand Leigh. Leigh hoped Perrie had heard her.
Leigh stayed knelt beside Perrie for a few minutes, just softly breathing beside her, as Leigh's warm breath hit Perrie's cold, pale cheek. Every so often, Leigh Anne felt Perrie shiver slightly, and then go back to sort, effortful breaths. Suddenly, Leigh felt the sense that someone was stood behind her. As she slowly turned around, she saw one of the nurses was stood towering above her, smiling gently.
"She is very beautiful" the nurse said, giggling softly. Leigh Anne guessed that they didn't know lots of English, as the nurse spoke slowly and clearly, trying hard to pronounce the words right. Leigh Anne grinned back at the nurse.
"She is"
"I like her hair" The nurse smiled again, running her fingers lightly through Perrie's blonde locks.
"Its nice isn't it... Your hair is nice too." Leigh said, admiring the nurses coal-black hair that was pulled back neatly. It was wavy with a small curl at the ends.
"Thank you" The nurse smiled coyly, but then the room fell silent again, as Leigh turned back to Perrie and began running her fingers through her soft curls. "Don't worry" The nurse said after a while; "She will be fine"
Leigh had no response. She just tried to smile. She nodded slightly, so the nurse could see her approval, as the nurse could now just see the back of Leigh's head as she sat beside the hospital bed.

After another couple of minutes of silence, and Leigh whispering to Perrie, the doctor cleared his throat; "umm..." he hesistated, trying to work out how to say this without being rude "would you like to let another one of your friends come now?..." Leigh sighed heavily. She didn't want to leave Perrie's side, even though she knew she had to. She knew she had to let Jade see the one she loved. She knew she had to let Jesy see the one she loved also.
It was hard to leave, but as Leigh began to stand up, she whispered one more thing into Perrie's ear, which was covered slightly by her flowing hair:
"everything will be ok".

LeighAnne smiled at the nurse through her tears as she left, and as she felt the door swing shut behind her, she knew she had just lied to Perrie.

She had just lied to Perrie.

Whether Perrie could hear her or not, She had just lied to Perrie.

Nothing was going to be ok.

Nothing, Nothing at all.

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